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Washington, D.C.--The following is a statement from Rep. Eliot Engel – a Senior Member of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee – on the announcement that major health care stakeholders are pledging to cumulatively reduce the growth rate of health care spending by 1.5% per year, saving $2 trillion health care dollars over 10 years and resulting in annual projected savings of $2500 for a family of four by the fifth year.

“This is a promising first step along the path towards substantial health care reform. Unlike the situation in the mid-1990s, the health care industry is not preparing for battle, rather they are working with Congress and the Obama Administration to try and develop a plan that works for all Americans. It is notable that they see health care reform as a likely outcome this year and want to have a voice in crafting the plan.

“The bottom line for Americans is clear – by having hospitals, insurance and pharmaceutical companies and doctors voluntarily work to implement policies that will slow their rate increases, the 47 million-and-growing Americans currently living without health insurance will have a better chance of getting coverage sooner rather than later. I am particularly pleased that the Greater New York Hospital Association had a seat at the table at the White House event and has been an active participant in Administration discussions regarding the promotion of quality, affordable health care coverage and access for all New Yorkers.

“As an original sponsor of HR 676 - The United States National Health Insurance Act - I am a strong supporter of providing health care to all Americans. This announcement is not the final answer to the health care question, but it takes us a bit closer to finding a real solution. I will continue to work with our health care providers and the Obama Administration over the coming weeks and months to find a plan that works for everyone. Our system needs to be reformed and we must work together on our shared goal to provide comprehensive health care for all Americans.”
