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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) voted today for the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act which reforms and improves veterans’ health services. The measure supports wounded veterans and their families and caregivers by expanding care for female veterans, improving mental health services, and increasing access to health care for veterans in rural areas.

“This Congress made a promise to leave no veteran behind, and every day we continue to fulfill that promise,” said Rep. Engel. “It is our duty to take care of the brave men and women in uniform who have so honorably served us by putting their lives on the line defending our country.”

To address the unique needs of the growing number of returning women soldiers, this bill will improve health services for almost two million female veterans. For the first time in history, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will be able to provide care for female veterans’ newborns through this legislation. It will also:

  • Improve access to care for veterans in rural areas,
  • Ensure that the VA can better treat veterans suffering from mental health issues,
  • Provide the VA with resources to learn more about the tragically high suicide rate among veterans.
  • Support family members and caregivers who look after our injured veterans to bring them the relief they deserve.

The bill passed today builds on a record of accomplishments for veterans and troops over the last three years under the Democratic-led Congress – including the new G.I. Bill to provide returning troops with the promise of a college education; historic investments in veterans’ health care; providing funding one year in advance to prevent political or legislative delays; expanding economic opportunities for returning soldiers and improving care for those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

“Our soldiers serve with honor and when they come home, they deserve the best services we can offer,” said Rep. Engel. “This Congress has made it a top priority to invest in our veterans by improving their health care, increasing their salaries and better ease their transition back to civilian life. The Veterans of Foreign Wars said that this bill will make a profound difference to veterans. This is only fair as veterans have certainly made a profound difference for America.”

The legislation (S. 1963) is supported by a broad coalition of veterans groups including the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Wounded Warriors Project and the National Military Family Association. The bill, which passed the House unanimously, previously passed the Senate and now awaits President Obama’s signature.
