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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) is calling on both parties in the ongoing Cablevision/Fox dispute to resolve their impasse so that millions of New Yorkers do not miss the Yankees in the World Series, or the Giants and Jets playing football, or their favorite shows. 

Both parties are in a dispute, with a Friday deadline, to avoid the loss of access to the Fox Network.  Hanging in the balance is access for millions of New Yorkers to the network broadcast of playoff baseball games, NFL coverage and popular regular broadcasting and news.

“The only victims in this corporate dispute are the people of New York.  I am not saying that Cablevision is in the right, nor am I saying that Fox is in the right – but I am saying that the consumers are being wronged.  New Yorkers tuning in this weekend to see the Giants play the Lions may find a blank screen.  Nor will they be able to watch the Phillies-Giants playoff game on Saturday.  Should the Yankees make the World Series, with this still unresolved, millions of Yankee fans will be outraged,” said Rep. Engel.  “This situation has to stop.  In the past year we have seen broadcaster and provider disputes hold the Academy Awards and college bowl games hostage while they decide how to split the billion dollar pie.”

Rep. Engel has written multiple letters to the Federal Communications Commission urging a regulatory fix to allow broadcasters and networks to be compensated fairly for their product, while not charging cable and satellite providers outrageously high rates.  “My constituents are angry, and to be honest, so am I.  The hard-working families in New York have had a very difficult time the last few years merely making ends meet.  They deserve to be able to relax in their living rooms as they watch their favorite sports teams, or other programming.  It would be a shame if a legislative solution needed to be found, as I would much rather have businesses sort out their own dirty laundry without having others clean it for them,” added Rep. Engel. 

Rep. Engel asked the FCC to investigate the retransmission consent system and find a solution ensuring consumers will receive uninterrupted signal transmission while contracts are negotiated.  “Fair compensation for both sides is very important, but these disputes should not spill over into the lives of working families, who frankly, have much more important things to worry about each day,” said Rep. Engel
