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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement, praising the federal appeals court ruling to allow financing of embryonic stem cell research, while the court considers the August 23 court order blocking the funding.  President Barack Obama issued an executive order in March to lift former President George W. Bush’s ban on federal funding.  Rep. Engel has long supported embryonic stem cell research, which could lead to a significant number of groundbreaking discoveries and increased job growth in the scientific community.

“I have long believed that stem cell research does not end life – it honors life.  The ruling last month to block funding was disappointing and could have led to significant cutbacks in laboratories, and the destruction of critical research progress and specimens. 

“To those who continue to oppose this research due to ideology rather than scientific need, I ask them to consider the people who currently suffer from such ailments as Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and many others.  This research could provide a future where they, and future patients, will no longer suffer from these debilitating diseases.

“This ruling today will save current research and enable continuity for scientists and staff working on those projects.  Like the overwhelming majority of Americans, I am determined to provide our scientific community with every available opportunity to conduct this potential life-saving research so our citizens are cared for and those suffering with life-threatening illnesses may live to see a breakthrough or even a cure.”

Rep. Engel was an original co-sponsor of the bipartisan DeGette-Castle bill which, in the previous Congress, passedboth Houses of Congress, before being vetoed by President Bush.  Rep. Engelagain co-sponsored H.R. 873, the Stem Cell Research Improvement Act.  This bill will codify President Obama's executive order, allowing federal research of embryonic stem cells.
