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Washington, D.C.--The following is a statement from Rep. Eliot Engel regarding his “YES” vote in the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. The bill passed by a vote of 33 to 25.

“With any bill of the magnitude of the American Clean Energy and Security Act there are many pros and cons. After much consideration, I decided the pros outweighed the cons, and on balance this legislation moves us in the right direction. This was not an easy vote, as I felt there were many compromises made to the auto industry and certain energy sectors to garner votes in the Committee. However, I vow that when the bill is considered by other House Committees, and eventually the House floor and Senate, I will continue to work to add stronger language to strengthen this legislation and truly move our nation’s energy policy in a new direction.

“The American Clean Energy and Security Act will create millions of new clean energy jobs, save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars in energy costs, enhance America's energy independence, and cut global warming pollution. It promotes green jobs and promotes renewable sources of energy and clean electric vehicles. These aspects are not only commendable, but are essential to revitalizing our energy policy. There are many aspects I would have written differently myself, but overall it moves us in the right direction.

“I remain convinced America needs the Open Fuel Standard Act. This would require automakers to honor their commitment to the American people. The Open Fuel Standard Act would require half of all cars made or sold in America by 2012, and 80% by 2015, to be flexible fuel vehicles. These vehicles would be able to run on gasoline, or alcohol-based fuels such as methanol or ethanol, or a combination of both.

“I am frankly disappointed to see the vigor with which the powerful auto industry opposed the Open Fuel Standard. They unleashed their high-priced lobbyists to try and kill whatever provisions were added to the measure. Instead of choosing to innovate, which would benefit both American consumers and the U.S. auto industry in the long-term, the auto lobby would rather spend millions of dollars resisting change so that it can continue to follow its failed business plan. This is precisely the type of misguided thinking that has led to a crippled auto industry. The world is changing, and it’s time for the auto industry to change with it.

“Flex-fuel vehicles allow for competition and consumer choice in the transportation fuel market which would serve to end oil’s monopoly in the transportation sector, strip oil of its strategic status, and protect consumers from price gouging at the pump. Flex-fuel vehicles are estimated to cost only $100 more than the same car in a gasoline-only version. Some experts say the added cost could be as low as $30. It is a simple and inexpensive modification that should be standard in cars, like seatbelts or airbags.

“I am pleased to see language included in the bill which takes us a few steps towards the eventual goal outlined in the Open Fuel Standard Act. I am encouraged by the inclusion of this language. I want to thank the bipartisan supporters of this legislation – Congressmen Bob Inglis (R-SC), Steve Israel (D-NY), and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) – who have worked with me in support of this legislation.

“This legislation is a beginning, not an end. We need our nation’s energy policy to take a new direction. We are now one step closer to where we need to be. We must prepare for the next stage, and I intend to see flex fuel vehicles as an essential part of it.”
