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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel voted to bring timely health care funding to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs as the full House passed the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act (H.R. 1016). The legislation authorizes Congress to approve veterans’ medical care funding one year in advance to better anticipate service needs. Congressman Engel also voted for the Women Veterans Health Care Improvement Act (H.R. 1211) to expand and improve health care services for the 1.8 million women who have served our country.

“Congress is continuing its strong support for our brave veterans – these bills come on the heels of the new GI Bill and the increases in funding for veterans services – and we will continue to use the motto of ‘leave no veteran behind.’ They have made sacrifices for our country they deserve the best services we can offer,” said Rep. Engel. “Far too often, those services are diminished because VA funding is delayed due to political squabbling. This legislation makes it easier to allow those services to be given unimpeded by delay.”

The issue of advanced funding is a top priority for veteran service organizations. Over 40 groups, including the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, have come out in support of the legislation.

The Women Veterans Health Care Improvement Act addresses the specific issues faced by women veterans – expanding and improving the health care services available to them, and working to make those services more accessible.

“In today’s military, women serve in hazardous conditions more than ever in our nation’s history and this has provided a new set of challenges for providing service,” explained Rep. Engel. “H.R. 1211 is a huge step towards providing better treatment and more accessible health services for our brave female veterans.”

The bills passed today build on a significant record of accomplishment for our veterans and troops over the last two and a half years under the New Direction Congress – including the New GI Bill, progress in improving veterans’ hospitals and facilities, expanding economic opportunities for returning soldiers and improving care for those with PTSD. “I am committed to continue working with my colleagues to ensure our veterans continue to receive first-rate health care and the benefits they have earned,” said Rep. Engel.
