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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement today after traveling to Port-au-Prince, Haiti with a Congressional delegation organized by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Rep. Engel is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

“I went to Haiti to bear witness to the horrific loss of life and devastation which befell Haiti on January 12. I surveyed the damage done to the land and physical structures of Haiti, and made sure that the people of Haiti know the United States is committed to help them rebuild. As Chairman, I went to determine what more America can provide to help Haitians recover from this tragedy and emerge as a stronger nation. As the representative from the 17th District, which has a large community of Haitian-Americans, I went to experience first-hand what happened to their homeland, and to help bring back answers to the local communities. As a human being, I went to see the faces of the victims of this earthquake, and to offer whatever assistance I can provide them.

“Haiti will recover, and America will be standing side-by-side with our neighbor. For now, we are doing everything in our power to accelerate that recovery. Our Haitian-American communities in New York, especially in Spring Valley and Nyack, and other states have welcomed victims with open arms. Our schools, such as the East Ramapo School District, have taken in the children displaced by this natural disaster and are educating them. This week, I asked the House Budget Committee to increase funding for the Refugee School Impact Grant Program, which helps schools cover the costs associated with such humanitarian efforts.

“I look forward to sharing my experiences with my constituents of the 17th District, particularly the Haitian-American community, and I will continue my work in Washington to help the people of Haiti recover from this tragedy.”
