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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) testified before the House Budget Committee today urging an increase in funding to Rockland County and other schools who are leading the effort to educate displaced Haitian and Haitian-American students. These students had to flee Haiti in the wake of the island’s disastrous earthquake in January. Last month, Congressman Engel and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) wrote to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius requesting additional financial aid to school districts. The two legislators had called for a funding increase in the School Impact grant program, and a one-time emergency grant program for the most heavily affected school districts, saying they are necessary for schools to properly accommodate the children.

The following is a transcript of Rep. Engel’s remarks, and they can also be viewed at – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3ErPEGKb4c

“Thank you for holding today’s hearing and for the opportunity to discuss one of my priorities for New York’s 17th District in the Fiscal year 2011 Federal Budget. Specifically, I would like to discuss the need for increased funding to the Refugee School Impact Grant Program through the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children & Families, Department of Health & Human Services.

“We are all aware of the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti, and have welcomed Haitian refugees, Haitian immigrants and Haitian-Americans returning to the United States. Yet the influx of refugee children into our local schools is putting a devastating strain on school districts. They are already feeling their budgets constrained due to the severe recession we are currently experiencing. I have heard this concern, not only from my New York colleagues, but also my colleagues from South Florida as well.

“It is estimated that $15,536 is spent per pupil in New York for overall education spending. Haitian refugee school children will also need more specialized support, requiring additional funds per pupil. The superintendent of the East Ramapo Central School District has estimated that 100-200 Haitian children will enter their schools by the end of the year. The cost to the East Ramapo Central School District could be over several million dollars to educate and support these school children.

“Since many refugee students arrive without school records, teachers and specialists often need to test entering refugee students’ academic knowledge and language ability to know what grade to place them. Also, many of the refugee school children need more support than traditional students for services such as grief counseling, teachers trained in cultural sensitivity, English as a Second Language courses, and even supplies such as backpacks and notebooks.

“The Refugee School Impact Grant Program provides support to impacted school districts, such as the East Ramapo Central School District, with the funds necessary to pay for activities that will lead to the effective integration and education of all refugee children. Funding allows for educational support activities, such as English as a Second Language training, after school tutoring, remedial summer programs, or bilingual/bicultural aides. These services are desperately needed for Haitian refugee school children.

“I am privileged to represent a large concentration of Haitians and Haitian-Americans. Local school district superintendents in Rockland County have already made clear the need for additional financial assistance to address the influx of refugee children into local schools. It is shocking to note during FY2010, 09, 08, and 07, that the funding for the Refugee School Impact Grant Program remained at $15 million. Within the Administration for Children and Families FY2011 Congressional Justification, a request is made again for only $15 million for this necessary grant program. The FY2011 Budget Request was released after the earthquake in Haiti, yet there was not a proactive initiative to increase the funding for this program.

“However, an additional $25 million was allocated for Social Service grant programs to assist Emerging Populations programs, which does not include assistance for school districts. I support fully funding President Obama’s FY2011 budget request to fund the Social Services program of the ORR at $253 million, an increase of $25 million above FY2010. However, I strongly encourage additional funding above $15 million for the Refugee School Impact Grant Program as well.

“It is our responsibility to assist our local school districts in education newly-arrived refugee school children, and provide them with the proper resources so they may fully integrate into our society. I urge your Committee to increase funding for the Refugee School Impact Program above $15 million in the FY2011 in the Budget Resolution. I will also be working with my colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee for an increase in funding for this program to be included in any future ‘Haiti Supplemental.’

“Thank you again for the opportunity to testify before the Budget Committee. I look forward to working with you and answering any questions you may have.”
Rep. Engel is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee.
