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Washington, D.C.--“For there to be any kind of effective reform to our broken health care system, there must be a robust public option at a bare minimum. There have already been too many compromises made and I call on President Obama to hold firm and encourage both the House and Senate to vote on versions of the health plan containing a public option. This is the best way, short of a single-payer system, to hold down costs and keep insurance companies in check. This would improve care for millions of Americans who have health insurance, and provide care to the 47 million who have none.

“Whatever alterations which are made, must meet the full goals of reform. It must drive down costs and provide comprehensive coverage for the uninsured. I am disappointed to see the Administration back away from the public option, but I am willing to see what plan is put forth out of the Senate and agreed to in the joint House-Senate conference before I pass judgment. As a senior member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, I will continue to work to bring down costs for Americans’ health insurance and ensure all Americans have health insurance coverage. Health care reform is overdue, and we must pursue our primary goal of bringing about those important changes. Those who have the most to fear from reform have fought tooth and nail to destroy it or to simply water it down. We must fight back and stand firm for real, effective changes to the system so we can have quality, sustainable health care now and for future generations.”
