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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel said the Postal Service is no longer studying the Yonkers South Post Office for closure. To save money, the Postal Service is considering closing thousands of post offices nationwide, slashing hundreds of thousands of jobs, while failing to identify root causes for their massive debt.  Yonkers South joins Fieldston and Sandford Station as district post offices no longer being studied for closure.

“The Yonkers South Post Office is a vital part of the day-to-day lives of the people of Yonkers, and I told the Postal Service of its importance.  This decision to no longer consider it for closure is a welcome one for the people who use it every day.  I urge the Postal Service to make the removal permanent, and not reconsider closure in the future.   I am still disappointed that seniors and working families in New York in many other locations are being forced to shoulder the burden of the USPS financial woes.  The people of Westchester, Rockland and the Bronx rely on their neighborhood Post Offices and it will be a hardship for many residents who are not able to easily travel to other locations. The USPS continues to charge more for services, but makes them less accessible.  This will only continue their downward spiral into insolvency.”
