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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) called Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint meeting of Congress “exceptional” and that it spelled out the reality of what is holding back peace in the Middle East.   

“As Prime Minister Netanyahu pointed out, the question is not whether Israel will agree to a Palestinian state; it already has.  The real question is whether the Palestinians will agree to recognize a Jewish State of Israel and sign a peace agreement which puts all claims and disputes to rest once and for all,” said Rep. Engel, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and an ardent supporter of strong U.S./Israel relations.

“The Palestinians must also realize they can never establish a state with terror as its foundation, and the recent coalition government between Fatah and the terrorist organization Hamas, is very troubling.   As long as Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist, renounce terrorism and abide by all previous agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinians, then they cannot be treated as a serious partner for peace by Israel, the United States, or the rest of the world.”

If there are two states – Palestinian and Jewish – then Palestinians would have the right of return to a Palestinian homeland, and not have thousands, if not millions of Palestinians settle in Israel.  Engel said.  “Moreover, a real and lasting peace has to be one that will hold in the face of the ups and downs of the Middle East.  That means that a future Palestinian state must be completely demilitarized, and Israel’s unique security needs must be met so that Iran does not arm a new Palestinian state, where every Israeli city and village would be vulnerable to attack. 

“Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Israel supports the movements for Arab democracy throughout the Arab world. He also noted that only one half of one percent of the 300 million Arabs in the Middle East are totally free – and they are all citizens of Israel,” Rep. Engel said.   “All in all, it was apparent that Israel enjoys broad bipartisan support from Members of Congress.  At a time when partisanship and lack of agreements are more the norm on Capitol Hill, we can all agree that support and aid for Israel is one issue where the two major parties have no disagreements.”
