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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement today after the House Republican Majority slashed Congressional office budgets by five percent for 2011-12.

“Today’s vote to slash the budget for Congressional offices was a symbolic way for Congress to show solidarity for those working families struggling to make ends meet.  It is a good thing to tighten our belts, just as many working families have already done nationwide.  However, I am afraid it is just an empty, symbolic gesture made by the Republican Majority.  Our financial problems require far more than forcing Congressional offices to shop at the Dollar Store.  There is real action that needs to be done to cut the deficit.  This is something Republicans have talked about, but have resisted at every turn.

“I appreciate the Majority’s intent with this rule – our nation has a serious deficit and debt problem and something needs to be done about that.  However, this rule provides for a savings of $26 million, while the problem is measured in trillions of dollars.  This is akin to trying to pay your mortgage by digging in the couch for pennies. 

“What I find curious is they don’t blink twice when they lay the burden of our federal debt on the backs of hard-working federal employees and the people for whom they serve.  However, they will fight tooth and nail to protect the $700 billion in tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.  Had they have opposed those cuts, some real impact to the deficit and debt would have been achieved.  Republicans masqueraded as deficit hawks for the last two years, but had no issues with increasing the deficit, just as long as it helped corporations and the wealthy.  It is a missed opportunity and an example of where their loyalties truly lie.”

“On top of that, they are pursuing an ill-advised repeal of the Affordable Care Act, something which the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said would explode the deficit by $230 billion by 2021.

“Providing the people of the Bronx, Rockland and Westchester Counties with stellar constituent services does come with some expenses.  Offices require rent, have bills to pay and need skilled staff to help constituents with their problems or concerns.  We cannot allow this service to be adversely affected by symbolic gestures.  While I will support a cut this time, I expect the Majority to pursue real changes that will make a difference in our deficit in the coming year.  This is what the American people expect, and it something Congress must deliver.”
