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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) released the following statement after the February jobs report showed a total increase of almost 200,000 jobs, with private sector employers adding 222,000 jobs.  In addition, the unemployment rate dipped below 9 % for the first time in almost two years.

“With the unemployment rate falling below nine percent, our economy is moving in the right direction.  This makes 12 consecutive months of jobs growth resulting in over 1.5 million private sector jobs added to the economy, the strongest private sector growth since 2006.  Jobs rose in construction, manufacturing, health care and administrative services.  The unemployment rate still remains too high, especially for African-Americans, Hispanics and young Americans, but the progress is undeniable.

“In 2010, the Democratic Congress and President Obama were responsible for more job creation than occurred during the eight years of President Bush’s Administration.  As 2011 unfolds, those policies have started to blossom even further as over 200,000 private-sector jobs were created in February.  In addition, revised numbers for December 2010 and January 2011 led to an increase of another 58,000 jobs. 

“We should have started this Congressional session by working on a jobs bill, but since the GOP opposed every jobs bill introduced last year, it should not be all that surprising the agenda took a different path.  They have still not presented the American people with a credible plan, or any plan, to create jobs and help the economy.  In fact, the repeal of the Affordable Care Act would also kill many of the over 200,000 jobs recently created in the health care sector.    The House Republican cuts included in H.R. 1, the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, would result in 700,000 jobs lost nationwide, with about 46,000 of them in New York.  H.R. 1 would abolish more than 13,000 community health center jobs in New York, cut Pell Grants by more than $850 per student, cut 12,000 children off from Head Start and removes more than $160 million in job investment training for the jobs of the future.  Once again, this is not the leadership American wants or needs.

“Despite promising a laser-like focus on jobs, the new Republican Majority has spent less time on job creation than they have on cutting funds to the United Nations upkeep and thus a security nightmare for the NYPD. 

“Instead of increasing the volume on job creation, the new Republican Leadership in the House has focused more on wasting time.  We took several days to vote on massive cuts to programs, sound and fury signifying nothing, that will lay untouched in the Senate.  They have decided to re-fight the past social wars by targeting Planned Parenthood, public broadcasting and aid for the poor.  They have attacked working people and unions and put the blame of a bad economy on the backs of our teachers and public employees.  They have voted to take health care away from over 30 million Americans.  They have voted to cut funding to clean air, water and food protection.  However, they worked very quickly to make sure tax breaks for the very wealthy and for Big Oil are safely in place.  This is not leadership; this is a cynical power grab.  Their next targets will be to cut Social Security benefits and Medicare coverage, with still nary a job creation idea to be found.

“It was the policies of the former Democratic majority that is contributing to the unemployment rates declining.  I encourage my Republican colleagues to focus less on political posturing and listen to what the American people have been asking for – a focus on jobs.  Together we can make a difference for American families trying to recover from the recession.”
