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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) released the following statement based on a House Energy and Commerce Committee investigation finding that from 2007-09 more than 650,000 people, with pre-existing conditions, were denied health insurance coverage by four of the largest insurance providers.  Rep. Engel is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

“These numbers are astounding,” he said. “It is the equivalent to rejecting the entire population of Boston, or rejecting everyone in Rockland County two times over.  If we had not passed the Affordable Care Act, these outrageous actions would continue.  This number could actually be much worse as there is no data related to the amount of people who were discouraged from applying because of their condition.  I wonder how many of those lost their lives because they could not afford treatment. 

“One firm listed pregnancy, angina, diabetes and heart disease among 425 diagnoses which would bring a permanent denial.  Another company said they did not need an internal review to deny anyone with a ‘surgical condition,’ who was pregnant, had infertility treatment in the last five years, or a body mass index higher than 39. 

“I find it difficult to comprehend that the act of giving birth would be something that leads to a denial of health care coverage.  However, according to insurance executives thousands of women were on their own during the time of their life when they need coverage the most.  Then they were left to care for their babies.  The Affordable Care Act ends this despicable practice once and for all.  And yet, Republicans across the country are calling for its repeal, and the return to the days where insurance companies routinely denied coverage to pregnant women and seniors suffering from angina.  I find that to be shameful, and I am hopeful that calls for repeal is simply campaign rhetoric and not the true will of the Republican Party.  We must end the suffering of sick Americans, and expecting parents as well.”
