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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement following reports that the Federal Communications Commission is seeking ways to avoid future cable blackouts.  In recent months, disputes between broadcasters and cable companies have led to families being punished as networks have “gone dark” during major events.

New Yorkers have witnessed football games, college bowl games and baseball playoff games, as well as the Academy Awards, held hostage as networks and cable companies negotiate deals on how to split millions in revenue. 

“The only victims in these corporate disputes are the American people.  I have contacted the Federal Communications Commission multiple times urging a regulatory fix to allow broadcasters and networks to be compensated fairly for their product, while not charging cable and satellite providers’ outrageously high rates.  The hard-working families in New York have had a very difficult time the last few years merely making ends meet.  They should not have their programming interrupted because of a dispute between corporate giants. 

“I have repeatedly asked the FCC to investigate the retransmission consent system and find a solution ensuring consumers will receive uninterrupted signal transmission while contracts are negotiated.  I am pleased they are listening to my call and are following my directive.  I expressed these concerns directly to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, and look forward to working with him, in whatever capacity, to bring necessary changes to the procedure.   Fair compensation for both sides is very important, but these disputes should not spill over into the lives of families, who frankly, have much more important things to worry about each day,”
