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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) who introduced legislation to help States eliminate the dangerous practices of driving while texting, e-mailing or talking on a non-hands-free cell phone, spoke on the House floor today in support of his legislation, the Distracted Driving Prevention Act (HR 3994).

“The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said that approximately one-quarter of traffic accidents involve distracted driving, resulting in nearly 6,000 fatalities and over 500,000 injuries,” said Rep. Engel. “Each of us have one, or more, electronic devices we use as part of our daily lives. But these devices require our full attention, and clearly remove the focus of a driver from where it should be – on the road. This not only puts the driver and his or her passengers at risk, but it risks the lives of other motorists and pedestrians as well.”

Rep. Engel recently spoke with U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood regarding the 11-term congressman’s legislation to provide grant money to states, which ban driving while texting, e-mailing or talking on a non-hands-free cell phone.

“Secretary Lahood called distracted driving a deadly epidemic and I agree,” said Rep. Engel.

The legislation would fund driver education and highway signage, two programs instrumental in reducing driving under the influence (DWI) incidents, and increasing the use of seat belts. The “click it, or ticket” campaign on seat belt use accomplished a great deal towards providing awareness to the dangers of driving without a seat belt. This legislation works towards a similar goal.

H.R. 3994 would also create a national advertising campaign, administered by the NHTSA, to educate the public on the dangers of distracted driving.

Rep. Engel added, “You think it would be common sense, that while driving, you should focus your attention on the road, rather than on typing on a tiny keypad. However, we all know that is not the case, and this legislation would simply help save lives. I urge my colleagues to support it.”

The bill has a companion measure in the Senate introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV). (The floor speech, delivered as part of the debate supporting the designation of April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, can be viewed here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoAoG42eeKQ )
