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Washington, D.C.--The following is a statement from Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, regarding President Barack Obama’s speech to Congress on health care:

“President Obama tonight made it perfectly clear to Congress and to the American people that inaction is not an option, and there must be reform to the health care system sooner rather than later. As we embark on the final leg of this debate, we must always remember the current health care system is unsustainable, in both the short and long term. Franklin Roosevelt once said, ‘Do Something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn't, do something else.’ It is time for us to do something on health care.

“President Obama’s speech tonight was the opening salvo in the Democratic counteroffensive to the bitter attacks put forth by those with the most to gain by maintaining the status quo. However, once the issues are explained, I believe the American people will be on our side. President Obama did an outstanding job tonight in outlining exactly what is at stake here, and what reform means to our nation.

“Four of the five committees in the House and Senate have passed their versions of health care reform, and Sen. Baucus announced today that the Senate Finance Committee will be next in line. Among those bills, there is 80 percent agreement and all are moving in the same direction outlined by the President tonight. Now we must figure out the best way to put them all together and give Americans the health care they need and deserve.

“The opposition has had their chance to make their case, and what they did was scare people. They disseminated countless lies about the legislation and muddled the debate to the point where the focus has shifted from the skyrocketing costs for those insured and the plights of those who are uninsured to make up tales of death panels. If the arguments against action are those fabricated by the minority party and special interest groups, then our choice seems clear.

“I have been a long-time supporter of the single-payer system, which I believe it the best way to solve the problems of runaway health care costs. Absent that, a robust public option is the next best plan. Remember, the word ‘option’ is right there in the title. It would truly be an option for those with no place else to turn. If you have insurance and like it, you would be able to keep it. By doing nothing, those with insurance will not be able to keep it over time as it will eventually become unaffordable for millions of Americans.

“If there exists another plan which accomplishes the goals of reigning in costs and reducing premiums, then I am willing to consider such a plan. Simply put, we cannot maintain the status quo. Health care costs are rising three times faster than wages, and millions of sick Americans face denials of coverage. More and more Americans face bankruptcy due to health care costs every day if we don’t act on their behalf. In the last two years, one in three Americans faced a gap in coverage. One stroke of bad luck and millions of families may face a situation they cannot handle.

“President Obama wants to bring stability and security to all Americans regarding their health care costs. Congress does as well, and I would like to believe that both parties in Congress have that goal. The opportunity to make history is before us and it is time to act. I stand ready to continue my work on behalf of achieving real health care reform.”
