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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) presented the following statement to the House on Tuesday, regarding the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) temporary funding reauthorization.  Rep. Engel has vowed to oppose all reauthorizations for the FAA until its New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Airspace Redesign plan is altered.  Rep. Engel has been fighting this plan since it became public back in 2007. 

“I protested the plan from the beginning, and will continue protesting the FAA's flawed strategy until the last possible moment.  Back in 2007, I held a forum in Rockland with FAA officials, who came kicking and screaming and heard over 1,200 residents speaking in opposition.  Those voices are still speaking out against it. The FAA tried to sneak this through by not holding public hearings in Rockland, but quietly holding them in surrounding communities in New Jersey.  The FAA has never acted in good faith with the people of Rockland, and that continues to this day.

“Rockland County deserves better than to be ignored and be forced shoulder the load for the FAA.  I will continue to fight on behalf of the people of Rockland County to convince the FAA to rethink their plan.”
