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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement today following First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden’s visit to Haiti. Rep. Engel went to Haiti last month to witness the devastation wrought by the January 12 earthquake. Rep. Engel is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

“I want to commend Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden for taking the time to visit Haiti and see first-hand the horrific loss of life and devastation which befell Haiti on January 12. When I surveyed the damage done to the land and physical structures of Haiti, I wanted to make sure that the people of Haiti knew the United States is committed to help them rebuild. By having the First and Second Ladies of the United States visit the island, it further enforces that partnership between the United States and Haiti.

“It is three months later, but the needs of Haitians have not dissipated. The First Lady said today that the devastation was ‘powerful.’ I hope her words resonate with the rest of the world. Our work in Haiti is not done. Our Haitian-American communities, especially those in Spring Valley and Nyack, have welcomed victims with open arms. Their schools need aid to help educate the displaced children, and I have asked for increased funding for the Refugee School Impact Grant Program, which helps schools cover the costs associated with such humanitarian efforts.

“I am glad the First Lady and Dr. Biden have now witnessed what I saw in Haiti, and I look forward to working with the Executive Branch as part of my continued effort in Washington to help the people of Haiti recover from this tragedy.”
