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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) today joined millions of Americans in celebrating Cinco de Mayo, marking the historic triumph of the Mexican people over the French Army in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

“Today, we celebrate the importance of Latinos in this country, specifically the contributions Mexican-Americans have made, and continue to make, and how their achievements strengthen our nation,” said Rep. Engel, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. “This date is of special significance because it reminds us that all peoples cherish freedom, liberty and self-determination. For Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has become a symbol of unity and patriotism in its history. In the United States, it is also a celebration of the rich cultural heritage and contributions of Mexican-Americans."

Rep. Engel added, “As Chairman of the House Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, I have worked closely with Mexican President Felipe Calderon to strengthen the excellent partnership between the United States and Mexico. Our two countries share not only a 2,000 mile border but also similar values and ideals. Mexico is a natural partner for the United States.”

Latinos are the fastest-growing minority in the United States with 47 million people -- 63 percent of whom are of Mexican descent. Latinos have the largest minority-owned business community, and Latino workers will continue to drive the growth of the labor force. Democrats recognize this entrepreneurial energy as vital to the Latino community and the American economy.

Recent actions taken by the Democrat-led Congress have been beneficial to the Latino community including:

  • Health Care Reform – The recently-passed health care law will enable another nine million Latinos to be eligible for health coverage.
  • Recovery Act – Provisions for Small Business Association-backed loans will help 1.6 million Latino-owned small businesses across the country.
  • Student Loans - The Student and Fiscal Responsibility Act increased the maximum Pell Grant to $5,550 and made student loan repayments more affordable. This will strengthen Latino-serving institutions so students can stay in school, while ending wasteful subsidies to banks.

“In a year that brought about the first Latina Supreme Court Justice – Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a Bronx-native – there was much to celebrate for the Latino community. Hopefully, with increased participation in the Census and responsible immigration reform in the near future, upcoming years will also bring about many more reasons to celebrate on Cinco de Mayo and during the rest of the year,” added Rep. Engel.
