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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) called for a reduction of the growing influence of special interests and big money in politics.  Two years ago, the Supreme Court delivered the devastating decision in the Citizens United case, opening the door for the massive influx of spending in political campaigns.

Rep. Engel stated, “Two years ago, the Supreme Court unleashed the floodgates of corporate money in politics and we are just beginning to see its corrupting influence in the presidential campaign.  Special interests have the upper hand over middle class Americans when it comes to policy making in Washington.  Corporations are run by individuals, but that does not mean the entity itself should have its own rights.  The individuals already have their rights as Americans; there is no need to extend it to something which exists only on paper.

“We must protect the voices of the Americans against the power of special interests, so their voices can be heard.  Fairness of opportunity for all Americans should not depend on how much you have in your bank account.”

To combat the impacts of Citizens United, Rep. Engel voted for the DISCLOSE Act, which would have required disclosure by donors supporting campaign advertising, and required sponsors to personally approve TV ads, as candidates are required to do.  It also would have banned foreign-controlled corporations form making political expenditures. The Act passed House 219-206 on June 24, 2010 but was not considered by the Senate. 

“The New York City Council passed a resolution opposing Citizens United, and calls on Congress to amend the Constitution.    There are resolutions like this being passed across the nation.  There are ways to combat this atrocious decision – through reforms like DISCLOSE and out-and-out repeal through a Constitutional amendment.  We must explore all of these options.  These reforms are a critical because American middle class families and small businesses won’t catch a break unless we start by reducing the influence of big banks, big donors, and corporate lobbyists in Washington, D.C.,” added Rep. Engel.
