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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel congratulated Randy Babbitt on his confirmation as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator, while urging him to postpone any further implementation of the severely-flawed New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia airspace redesign plan. Rep. Engel recently wrote to both President Barack Obama and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood with the same request.

“I would like to express my best wishes to Administrator Babbitt and look forward to working with him on this issue, and the other importation aviation issues which are on the nation’s agenda. I am sure his background as a commercial airline pilot will bring valuable experience and a unique perspective to the position. I am encouraged that his appointment will change the FAA’s atmosphere of bureaucratic resistance seen there in recent years,” said Rep. Engel.

In the letter, Rep. Engel outlined the history of the redesign plan as experienced by people in Rockland County and the surrounding region. “The plan was developed with no input from the people it would most affect, particularly my constituents in Rockland County. Under this plan, hundreds of extra planes would fly over residential communities at low altitudes every day. It was only after my intervention that the FAA even held a meeting in Rockland to gather information. The process has run roughshod over the people of Rockland, and the entire region deserves better,” added Rep. Engel.

Rep. Engel reminded Administrator Babbitt that with the urgent need to modernize the aviation system, it was even more necessary to make certain any airspace redesign plan for the busiest air traffic corridor in the nation, is done correctly and with great care given to the people living in the neighborhoods underneath those flight paths. With upcoming redesign plans for the Chicago and Los Angeles regions, it is even more imperative to make sure the one for New York to Philadelphia is executed smoothly.

“Instead of hastily moving forward with the defective plan he inherited, I urge Administrator Babbitt to step back and postpone further implementation until a better alternative can be developed and put into action. I am hopeful a new plan can be promptly developed which the airlines, travelers and residents can all accept,” said Rep. Engel.
