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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel and his House colleagues have secured funding for two preliminary appropriations projects. The first is for $1,500,000 for the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) (with Reps. Charlie Rangel, Jerry Nadler, Anthony Weiner, Ed Towns, Greg Meeks, and Yvette Clarke). The second project funds $100,000 for John Jay College of Criminal Justice (with Reps. Rangel and Towns). These projects are part of the FY 2010 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill.

“This funding should greatly aid these two outstanding organizations. GMHC has embarked on an impressive campaign to prevent HIV in at-risk youth with the ultimate goal of decreasing rates of infection among youth in New York City. To me, this goal is not only commendable but absolutely necessary, I am pleased to have worked in support of this funding,” said Rep. Engel.

Congressman Engel is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and serves on the Subcommittee on Health. He is the author of H.R. 1616, the Early Treatment for HIV Act, which was introduced earlier this year. Congressman Engel was instrumental in strengthening the Ryan White CARE Act in 2006 which protected New York from severe cuts in federal funding for HIV/AIDS care and treatment. “With over 110,000 New Yorkers currently battling HIV/AIDS, New York remains the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in America. We must continue to push for necessary funding for New York to be able to best serve its many residents HIV/AIDS." said Rep. Engel.

The 11-term Congressman continued, “John Jay is one of the premier criminal justice learning facilities in the world. Their project to study the re-entry of former inmates into society is one which is critical to determine the best practices for successful reintegration. I remain committed to supporting the CUNY school system and the outstanding job they do in educating the future generations of New Yorkers.”

“This support will dramatically impact GMHC’s ability to serve New York City youth that are at disproportionate risk for HIV infection,” said Janet Weinberg, Senior Managing Director of Development and Legislative Funding. “GMHC commends Congressman Engel, and the other Members of Congress who supported this appropriation, for their commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS,” added Weinberg.

This action was a preliminary step in a long process. The bill will now be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee, and then the full House. The Senate is also working on their version of the bill.

Rep. Engel added, “While this is only the beginning of the Appropriations process, I feel very good that funding for this important program was included in this measure. I will continue working with my colleagues to ensure this funding is preserved as the bill moves through the legislative process.”
