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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel announced that a ‘Weed and Seed’ grant of $99,898 has been awarded to the Village of Spring Valley. The grant is to be used to fight crime, close nuisance bars and encourage collaborative law enforcement, while building trust with the residents of the Spanish and Creole speaking areas.

Rep. Engel said, “Fighting crime and neighborhood deterioration requires more than just effective police work. This grant will also allow Spring Valley to focus on improving the neighborhood, helping its at-risk youth, and providing help for ex-offenders willing to improve their lives.”

The Community Capacity Development Office of the U.S. Department of Justice approved the Village of Spring Valley as a Weed and Seed Community, effective October 1, for the area bounded by Kearsing Parkway, Spring Valley Market Parkway, Alan Road, and Viola Road.

Community policing goals include improving the rate of crimes reported. The grant also includes prevention, intervention, and treatment goals. It will provide enriching activities with creation of a Boys and Girls Council to identify risks facing youth and provide for the training, temporary housing and employment opportunities for ex-offenders through new Beginnings Dignity Service.

Neighborhood restoration goals include improving the standard of living through the provision of housing and community revitalization.
