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U.S. Reps. Pen Letter to Every Member of Human Rights Council

Washington, D.C.-- Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) and Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY) have called on the members of the United Nations Human Rights Council to reject the biased, and anti-Israel, Goldstone Commission Report, which the Council is debating this week.

In a letter sent to each of the Ambassadors of the member states of the Council, Berkley and Engel argue that support for the Report would send the wrong message about the right of Israel and other nations to defend their populations against terrorist assaults. Congresswoman Berkley and Congressman Engel are senior members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

“Our nations strongly support the peace process between Israel and its neighbors, and hope the peoples of the region will someday soon be able to live in peace, security, and prosperity. Consideration of this report, however, will severely damage or even destroy any prospects for peace between Israel and its neighbors. It will send a message that Israel cannot defend itself from terrorists, effectively bolstering the position of terrorists who openly call for Israel’s destruction. It will also destroy Israel’s confidence that the international community can play a constructive role in the peace process,” the letter states.

“If Israel – or any country – is to defend itself from future terrorist attacks, it needs to know its soldiers will not be prosecuted for attacking terrorists who are hidden in civilian areas. Referring the Goldstone Report to the International Criminal Court (ICC) would send a deeply troubling message to all civilized countries that their soldiers will be prosecuted if they seek to defend their homelands from terrorist attack,” the letter concludes.

The Goldstone Commission, which was originally tasked by the Council to investigate only Israeli actions during the fighting in Gaza this past winter, unfairly singles out Israeli officials for criticism without holding Hamas terrorists responsible for hiding among women and children in cities, and even in hospitals, putting civilians in harm’s way.

The following is the full text of the Berkley-Engel letter:

Dear Ambassador:

We are writing to you regarding the Goldstone Commission report, which will soon be considered by the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC). Both of our countries sit on the HRC and it is of utmost importance that, together, we oppose any effort to approve the report’s findings or to refer the report to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Our nations strongly support the peace process between Israel and its neighbors and hope that the peoples of the region will someday soon be able to live in peace, security, and prosperity. Consideration of this report, however, will severely damage or even destroy any prospects for peace between Israel and its neighbors. It will send a message that Israel cannot defend itself from terrorists, effectively bolstering the position of terrorists who openly call for Israel’s destruction. It will also destroy Israel’s confidence that the international community can play a constructive role in the peace process.

It will also put a tremendous strain on every other country that seeks to defend itself from terrorists. When Israel launched operation Cast Lead in Gaza in late 2008, they sought to uproot terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and to stop the endless missile attacks that Hamas had rained down on southern Israel. In targeting the terrorist cells, Israel made every effort to avoid civilian casualties, though Hamas fighters hid in cities, and even in hospitals, in order to make the task as difficult as possible for Israel’s military. The Goldstone Report criticizes Israel heavily for fighting Hamas in these civilian areas, without criticizing Hamas for drawing Israel into those areas.

If Israel – or any country – is to defend itself from future terrorist attacks, its needs to know its soldiers will not be prosecuted for attacking terrorists who are hidden in civilian areas. Referring the Goldstone Report to the ICC would send a deeply troubling message to all civilized countries that their soldiers will be prosecuted if they seek to defend their homelands from terrorist attack.

We urge you to oppose any attempt to approve of or refer the Goldstone Report to the ICC. We look forward to your reply.


Member of Congress Member of Congress
