



Washington, Jun 9, 2006 - "Zarqawi has received the judgment for his actions, and his reign of terror and violence is over," stated Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Ocala).  "Yet, while we are pleased that this man's murderous influence in Iraq is over, we must not view his death as a moment to rest in our efforts, or as a sign that our job in Iraq is finished. In this war on terror, unlike a traditional state to state war, we must accept that the death of a leader does not end the conflict."

"However, we must not forget the evil and destruction wrought by this terrorist," added Stearns.  "To see the most compelling evidence of this man's evil, look at the record of his actions."  Stearns entered the following summary of Zarqawi's attacks along with a statement in the Congressional Record.

Beginning in 2003:
- October 28th, Lawrence Foley, United States diplomat and administrator of aid programs in Jordan, is gunned down outside his home;
- August 19th, top U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello and 23 others are killed in a truck bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Iraq;

And then in 2004:
- March 2nd, He orders coordinated explosions at Shiite Mosques in Karbala and Baghdad, killing 181 people;
- May 11th, Zarqawi beheads Nicholas Berg, a Pennsylvania engineer;
- June 22nd, South Korean hostage Kim Sun-il is beheaded;
- June 29th, Georgi Lazov, 30 years old, and Ivaylo Kepov, 32 years old, are kidnapped and beheaded;
- August 2nd, Murat Yuce of Turkey is executed on video;
- September 13th, Durmus Kumdereli is beheaded;
- September 14th, 47 Iraqis waiting in lines for jobs are killed by a Zarqawi car bomb attack;
- September 16th, Kenneth Bigley, Jack Hensley, and Eugene Armstrong are kidnapped and beheaded;
- September 30th, 35 children and seven adults are murdered by Zarqawi's bombs as U.S. soldiers hand out candy at the opening of a new sewage treatment plant in Baghdad;
- October 30th, Shosei Koda, 24 years old, is beheaded;

In 2005:
- February 28th, 125 Iraqi National Guard recruits are murdered by a Zarqawi follower in a suicide attack;
- November 9th, Zarqawi coordinates three suicide bombings of hotels in Amman, Jordan, killing 60 people, including a wedding party.