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McCarthy Recognizes Elmont Memorial Junior-Senior High School
Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy presents, from left, Elmont Memorial Junior-Senior High School Principal John Capozzi and Superintendent John Williams with a plaque commemorating the school's congressional recognition for being awarded with the Dispelling the Myth Award at the Education Trust National Conference. Elmont Memorial is one of five schools recognized for "dispelling the myth" that poor and minority children cannot learn to high levels. At Elmont, 75 percent of the students are African American, 12 percent Latino, and 24 percent are from low income families. In 2004, Elmont had the nation's highest number of African-American students who received college credit on the Advanced Placement World History exam.
McCarthy Presents $30,000 Grant to Long Island Crisis Center
Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy presents Andy Peters and Linda Leonard of the Long Island Crisis Center with a check for $30,000. The Center received a $30,000 grant to expand the agency's outreach to young people, focusing on HIV/AIDS, anti-gang initiatives and runaways. These services will target youth in Freeport, Hempstead, Roosevelt, Uniondale and Westbury.
McCarthy Meets with Labor and Industry for Education in Cedarhurst
Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy meets with Rabbi Simcha Lefkowitz, Executive Director of Labor and Industry for Education (LIFE), a community organization based in the Five Towns. Rep. McCarthy and Rabbi Lefkowitz discussed federal funding opportunities for LIFE's workforce development program for developmentally-disabled adults. Since 2003, Rep. McCarthy has helped secure more than $500,000 for LIFE initiatives.
McCarthy Meets with Adelphi Breast Cancer Hotline Staff
Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy poses with, from left, Hillary Rutter and Angela Papalia of the Adelphi Breast Cancer Hotline in her Garden City office. During the meeting, the three discussed federal funding opportunities for the Center. Rep. McCarthy secured $50,000 for the Center in 2002. The Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program is a full service agency which addresses the educational and psychosocial needs of women and men dealing with breast cancer in New York State.
McCarthy Interviewed by Wheatley School Students
Congresswoman McCarthy poses with, from left, Andrew Messer and Jack Benjamin in her Garden City office. The two students at the Wheatley School in Old Westbury interviewed the Congresswoman for their 10th Grade Honors English Class.
McCarthy Tours Franklin Square and Munson Fire DepartmentÂ’s Mobile Training Unit
Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy poses with Franklin Square and Munson firefighters, from left, Kevin Brodley, Dennis Lyons, Philip Malloy, Jr., Leonard Jenik, and Teddy Braun. Rep. McCarthy toured the department's Mobile Training Unit, which is used to create realistic emergency training scenarios for firefighers. The unit portable and will be transported to locations outside Franklin Square for use by other area departments. The Department purchased the unit with funding a grant that Rep. McCarthy helped secure from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
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