Cohen and Bilbray Break Down Barriers to Solar Energy, Help Create Industry Jobs

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressmen Brian Bilbray (R-CA) and Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced H.R. 3664, the Solar Energy Regulatory Relief Act of 2011. This bipartisan legislation will promote standardization for local permitting requirements for solar energy and lower the installation costs for solar energy systems. Please see the below statements:

“The Solar Energy Regulatory Relief Act will make it more affordable for San Diego families and small businesses to harness the sun’s energy and use it to power their everyday lives,” said Congressman Bilbray. “Local and regional permitting costs associated with solar power are the only expenses the market cannot reduce itself through competition. This legislation will help streamline the permitting process and provides incentives to local governments to conform.  It’s time the government gets out of the way and encourages the use of solar energy while creating thousands of industry related manufacturing and installation jobs.”

“In Memphis and cities across the nation, families and small businesses are trying to install solar panels on their homes and businesses,” said Congressman Cohen.  “However, these individuals’ good faith efforts to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprints are being hindered by burdensome, local regulations and red tape.  This targeted, fiscally responsible legislation will incentivize municipalities to eliminate these regulatory hurdles so that more solar systems can be installed across the nation.  By easing the transition to solar energy, this legislation would save consumers money on their electricity bills, spur billions of dollars of new investment, and create thousands of jobs.”

The Solar Energy Regulatory Relief Act is the House companion bill to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Senator John Boozman’s (R-AR) 10 Million Solar Roofs Act, which was approved by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today.
