Subcommittee on Energy and Power

Jurisdiction includes National energy policy generally; Fossil energy, renewable energy resources and synthetic fuels; energy conservation; energy information; Energy regulation and utilization; Utility issues and regulation of nuclear facilities; Interstate energy compacts; Nuclear energy; The Clean Air Act and air emissions; and, All laws, programs, and government activities affecting such matters.


Bobby L. Rush, Illinois, Ranking Member
Kathy Castor, Florida
John Sarbanes, Maryland
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Gene Green, Texas
Lois Capps, California
Michael F. Doyle, Pennsylvania
Henry A. Waxman, California (Ex Officio)
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky, Chair
John Sullivan, Oklahoma, Vice Chair
John Shimkus, Illinois
Greg Walden, Oregon
Lee Terry, Nebraska
Michael Burgess, Texas
Brian Bilbray, California
Steve Scalise, Louisiana
Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington
Pete Olson, Texas
David McKinley, West Virginia
Cory Gardner, Colorado
Mike Pompeo, Kansas
Morgan Griffith, Virginia
Joe Barton, Texas
Fred Upton, Michigan (Ex Officio)