Student Debt Town Hall

Start: June 28, 2012 7:00 pm
End: June 28, 2012 8:00 pm
Jun 19, 2012 Issues: Education
Student Debt Town Hall

Join Congressmember Bass to discuss what Democrats in Congress are doing to make college more affordable. Ask questions, share your thoughts and get the latest details on the student loan interest rate increase that will begin on July 1st.

If advancing one’s education is the answer to ensuring success within our country, students should not leave college with the same amount of debt as a mortgage would cost. - U.S. Rep. Karen Bass

Signup to join us Thursday, June 28th @ 7pm PST

Register to Join the Virtual Town Hall
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Over the phone (we'll call you, so please provide your phone number above)
Live streaming video (we'll email you a reminder just before the event starts)