
Constitution Day. Read it. Live it. Defend it.

Constitution Day. Read it. Live it. Defend it. 

Today the United States Constitution is 225 years old. What a day for We the People to celebrate!

Ours is the shortest and oldest written Constitution of any major government in the world. It is also the most revolutionary. 

Established within are the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and equality of every person before the law.

The republic created thereby requires tending. As citizens we do not take for granted the freedoms protected by our Constitution. We cherish them. We also remember those Americans throughout history who have sacrificed greatly, and those who continue to risk everything, to support and defend the Constitution and pursue a more perfect union. 

I'd love to hear what the Constitution means to you. Take a moment to jot down your thoughts in reply to this email. I'll share some of the responses via facebook and twitter