Larsen Votes to Prevent Shutdown, Protect Jobs

WASHINGTON—Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted for a bill to maintain government operations through March 2013. The continuing resolution reflects a bipartisan agreement between Congress and the administration, and will prevent a government shutdown at the end of this month.

“By passing this bill, we are making sure that thousands of people stay on the job,” Larsen said. “Construction workers can keep working on repairing our roads, bridges and highways. Scientists can continue their vital medical research uninterrupted. And veterans and seniors will keep receiving the benefits they are due.

“This funding bill is consistent with the tough spending caps that Congress put in place with the Budget Control Act. Congress must start doing a better job at passing regular appropriations bills instead of stopgap funding measures like this. But passing this bill is the right thing to do to prevent a game of brinksmanship over the threat of government shutdown.”

“I am disappointed that this bill continues full funding for operations in Afghanistan through 2013. I believe it is time to fully transition military operations to Afghan security forces and bring our own troops home.”