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June 29, 2012

Higgins Commends Catholic Sisters for Their Service


Congressman Brian Higgins took to the House Floor yesterday to honor the Catholic Sisters for their selfless service to our country. 
“Growing up in Buffalo, I was able to see firsthand the incredible contributions that the Sisters of Mercy made to our community,” said Congressman Higgins. “Rather than denouncing the Sisters, the Vatican should applaud them for carrying out God’s work with courage and conviction.” 

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Higgins is a cosponsor of H. Res. 689, introduced by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, which recognizes the Catholic Sisters for their work. 
The text of Congressman Higgins’ speech is below:
Mr. Speaker,
I recently added my name to a resolution introduced by Representative Rosa DeLauro to honor the Catholic sisters for their contributions to this country and to my community.
I grew up in the shadow of the Mercy Convent in South Buffalo, New York. The Sisters came to Buffalo in 1858 and started hospitals to heal the sick, schools to teach the ignorant, and to help all of us see the gift of God’s presence in a changing world.
The Sisters take a vow of poverty and obedience to serve God and God’s people, particularly women and children.
The Vatican says the Sisters are failing to uphold the Catholic Doctrine and appointed three bishops to rein them in. The Sisters reject the Vatican’s assessment of their life’s work and vow to fight. 
In scripture Jesus says, “whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me.” The Sisters are doing God’s work and with courage, conviction and selflessness. 
May God’s guiding wisdom continue to inspire their good work.  


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