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February 23, 2012

Statement by Congressman Higgins On USPS Announcement

 “The United States Postal Service announcement of plans to proceed with consolidation of the Buffalo mail processing facility by no means concludes our hard fought fight.  The Buffalo facility was awarded the gold standard for efficiency and cost effectiveness, recognized by the Postal Service itself for “business growth opportunities.”  This facility shouldn't be closed; it should be held up as a national model. And the other facilities should try to emulate what's going on here.

“When the news of the potential for closing of the William Street facility was announced on September 15th we said it “defies reason.” Over the last five months the USPS had an opportunity and an obligation to provide factual information justifying their decision and truly hear the customers they serve.  Over this time the Postal Service has failed to provide transparency, failed to provide reason and failed to disqualify even one argument this community put forth, continuing a frustrating USPS model of decide now, justify later. 
“Comprehensive postal reform would relieve the obligation to prefund pension obligations and would dramatically change the balance sheet of the Postal Service.  We are among 228 bipartisan cosponsors on a bill introduced by Congressman Steve Lynch that would recalculate the pension funding requirement. This bill should be brought to the floor for a vote. I'll be urging the Speaker to do that and I'll be meeting with the Postmaster General in Washington on Monday.  
“No facilities will be closed until after May 15.  We will continue this fight on behalf of the 700 workers, local businesses and the Western New York community.”

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