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Boehner, Obama No Closer to Cliff Deal After Latest Offers

11:33 p.m. After swapping more offers and counter offers early this week, President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner remain hundreds of billions of...

White House Adds Corporate Tax Reform to Cliff Offer

10:25 p.m. The White House sweetened its latest offer to House Republicans by including in the details an overhaul of the corporate tax code, according to...

Poll Shows Public Skeptical of Trimming Home-Mortgage Deductions

9:10 p.m. As Congress and President Obama prepare to cut government spending and increase revenue sufficient to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff, Americans...

Key House Conservatives: We Won't Budge on Taxes

5:57 p.m.

House GOP Leaders Not Preparing Ground Ahead of Fiscal Cliff Deal

5:16 p.m. It's no secret in Washington that Democrats and Republicans are starting to come to grips with the " contours of a deal " that avoids the fiscal...

White House Slashes Funding for Megaports Program

5:13 p.m. WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has sharply reduced spending on a program to combat smuggling of nuclear and radiological materials through...

Republicans Send White House Fresh Offer on Fiscal Cliff

4:52 p.m. House Republicans say they have sent the White House a new fiscal cliff “counteroffer,” but aren’t providing any details.

House GOP Fights Reid Rumor With Hashtag

4:34 p.m. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid floated a juicy little rumor Tuesday that there is trouble afoot among the House GOP leadership.

Job Moves: Crawford Joins America Forward

4:05 p.m. Jeff Strunk , who most recently served as House Speaker  John Boehner 's deputy floor director, is joining  Forbes-Tate  as senior...

Fiscal Cliff Haikus To Get You Through the Lame Duck

3:25 p.m. I started my day with a mission: to wax poetic about politics. Thus, #FiscalCliffHaikus was born.

McCain on Lieberman: Hate That Guy!

2:55 p.m. Joe Lieberman, the sort-of-Democrat, sort-of-Republican senior senator from Connecticut, is a man who deserves the highest respect, Sen John...

Exelon Skips Utility Fly-In to Lobby on Wind Tax Credit

2:22 p.m. A CEO of a major utility is skipping an industry-wide fly-in on dividend taxes to instead lobby lawmakers to oppose the production tax credit for...

A First Look at the Inaugural Platform

2:17 p.m. At least one thing in Washington is coming in on schedule and under budget this week: the inaugural platform on the Capitol's West Front.

Capito Optimistic on Fiscal-Cliff Deal

2:09 p.m. Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., said on Tuesday that she believes the House will ultimately reach a deal with the administration  to...
Today's Blog Posts
Influence Alley

Boehner, Obama No Closer to Cliff Deal After Latest Offers

11:33 p.m.
After swapping more offers and counter offers early this week, President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner remain hundreds of billions of dollars apart in talks to avert the...  Read more »
Influence Alley

Key House Conservatives: We Won't Budge on Taxes

5:57 p.m.
Pressure may be building to avert a year-end fiscal crisis, but don’t expect House conservatives to buckle on upper-income tax hikes, even if Democrats commit to spending cuts in the process....  Read more »
Influence Alley

House GOP Leaders Not Preparing Ground Ahead of Fiscal Cliff Deal

5:16 p.m.
It's no secret in Washington that Democrats and Republicans are starting to come to grips with the " contours of a deal " that avoids the fiscal cliff. But despite an emerging consensus, House...  Read more »
Influence Alley

House GOP Fights Reid Rumor With Hashtag

4:34 p.m.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid floated a juicy little rumor Tuesday that there is trouble afoot among the House GOP leadership.  Read more »
Today's Columns
Charlie Cook: Off to the Races

Corporate Leaders Lose Confidence in Both Parties as Fiscal-Cliff Deal Remains Elusive

December 10, 2012
Corporate leaders are losing confidence in both parties as compromise remains elusive.  Read more »
Ronald Brownstein: Political Connections

Immigration Reform Is Back on the Agenda

December 6, 2012
Thanks to the election, it’s now in the interests of both Democrats and Republicans to tackle the issue.  Read more »
Charlie Cook: The Cook Report

History Favors a 2014 GOP Comeback

December 6, 2012

The party holding the White House usually loses big in the House and Senate once it's in its sixth year.

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Reid Wilson: On the Trail

Republicans Confront Democrat Edge in Tech Skills, Campaign Talent

December 6, 2012
The GOP's future may depend on closing the huge gaps that were illuminated by the performance of the Obama campaign.  Read more »
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