Rep. Pitts' Statement on Abortion Executive Order

Mar 21, 2010 Issues: Health Care, Life and Bioethics

Washington- Rep. Joe Pitts (PA-16) made the following statement today following the announcement that President Barack Obama will issue an executive order addressing the concerns pro-life Democrats have with the Senate health bill:

“From a pro-life perspective, I find absolutely no comfort in this executive order.  This puts the fate of the unborn in the hands of the most pro-abortion president in history.
“This is a career-defining vote on the life issue.  Any member of either party who votes for this bill will never again be able to claim they have always stood for the most important and fundamental of all human rights.
“I congratulate the many pro-life Democrats who continue to hold firm on principle and who will join me in voting against this terrible bill later today.”

President Barack Obama had a lifetime pro-life rating of zero percent during his Senate career from the National Right to Life Committee, and a 100 percent pro-choice rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League:
