Dingell on New Opportunity Coming to Ford's Rawsonville Plant


Dearborn, MI – Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15) made the following comments today on Ford’s decision to build hybrid battery packs at the Rawsonville Plant in Ypsilanti Township:


“I have said before Southeast Michigan has the talented, skilled workforce to that can turn 21st Century visions into reality.  I am delighted that Ford will expand its presence in our area with a new operation critical to the company's future.  Ford will build hybrid battery packs for its next generation of automobiles at the Rawsonville Plant in Ypsilanti Township.  Our corner of Michigan is becoming a hotbed for such activity, with GM's Brownstown facility building a similar product and A123 Batteries hiring workers at facilities in Ann Arbor and Romulus.  These kinds of projects will help strengthen our economy and our environment as well as decrease our reliance other countries for oil.  It is another sign that after a long, painful period of transition we are seeing a recovery beginning in our state and our nation.”

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