Ribble Statement on Tax Day 2012

Apr 17, 2012 Issues: Taxes

Washington, D.C. – Representative Reid Ribble (WI-08) released the following statement today for Tax Day. Today marks the deadline for people to submit last year’s federal taxes.

“People dread this day every year because it reminds them of how inefficient and ineffective the tax code really is. The tax code is more than 10,000 pages long and contains more than three million words. It is no surprise that last year the IRS couldn’t answer roughly half of the questions about their supposed area of expertise. 

"This day should be a reminder that reforming the tax code needs to be one of our top priorities. There are countless loopholes and shortcuts that benefit corporations and special interests. If we implement a tax plan that lowers the rates and broadens the base there will be less complexity and more fairness. I believe that Wisconsin families deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money so that they can focus on more important priorities like building a better future for their children and grandchildren.”                                                                                                                     

Tune into Facebook and Twitter today as Congressman Ribble will be posting interesting tax stats throughout the day.
