Democrats’ Prescription for America: More Taxes and Less Liberty

Posted by Megan Mitchell in In The News

Tonight the House of Representatives passed a health care “reform” bill that will cost the taxpayers another trillion dollars, fundamentally alter one-sixth of the nation’s economy, and subject millions of Americans to dependence on the federal government.  I have been a fierce opponent of this bill from the beginning, and today cast a very strong “No” vote against it.

It is often said that there are two things Americans should never see:  sausage being made and a bill being passed.  Having witnessed Speaker Pelosi bring this bill to the floor, I’m hard pressed to tell the difference.  With 34 Democrats joining Republicans in voting against this government takeover of health care, the only thing bipartisan about this bill was the opposition to it.

The problem with American health care today isn’t quality; it’s cost.  Thus, reform should focus on bringing down costs by making insurance tax deductible, portable, and available across state lines; by rooting out fraud, and by protecting doctors from frivolous lawsuits; not raising taxes by $569 billion during a recession and imposing an unconstitutional individual mandate.  I am ashamed of the way the House of Representatives has conducted itself during this process, and remain committed to protecting the integrity of the institution and representing the 7th District of Texas as a fiscal conservative.

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Responses to “Democrats’ Prescription for America: More Taxes and Less Liberty”

  1. Ken says:

    He would not be doing me a favor if he resigned. John, hang in there. Thank you for your service in the HOUSE. The conservative camp will gain many seats due to this socialism increase in our country. Health Care Reform (Obamacare) will be declared unconstitutional! The opposite of freedom is tyranny. We will get rid of it in Congress and the Executive branch. The PEOPLE opposed this so called reform as a whole.

    We will be praying for you.

  2. Kay says:

    Since the Democrats have angered conservatives and moderates, they need now to pass amnesty in order to lock up future elections. Here in Texas, since no politician fought against the Trans Texas Corridor, not only will we have millions of legalized people on Medicaid and Social Security (after 10 quarters) but we will have hoardes of Mexican truck drivers on this “NAFTA Superhighway” smuggling drugs, aliens and putting more U.S. truck drivers out of business.

  3. Dan Engle says:

    These may be good ideas for reducing costs. The Republican Party, under the leadership of a Texas fiscal conservative, led our country for eight years. Why were these ideas not implemented during the previous administration?

    Concerning the individual mandate, could the Texas law that requires all drivers purchase auto liability insurance be considered unconstitutional? How is the Federal mandate that we purchase health insurance any different from the State mandate that we purchase auto insurance?

    While you may be ashamed of the House’s actions, I’m ashamed of the House’s inaction to address the health care crisis until now. Finally we have a President and a Speaker who are doing something about the problem.

  4. Sandy says:

    Thank you for doing your part to protect our freedom! I’m appalled that this health care bill has passed and truly fear the repercusions of what this will do to future generations. I heard today that those on Medicare will be receiving a check for $250 to help pay for prescription costs they had to pay based on the old rules. That’s fine and dandy, if the US government actually had the money to pay out, BUT…we all know the US Government does not have the money to pay out and we will be borrowing once again from a foreign country. If I tried to pay out more money than I had in my bank account the bank would return the checks stamped “insufficent funds” The president and democrats should be coming up with a plan to stop borrowing money and putting us further into debt! That should have been at the forefront of what NEEDS to be done for the American people before one of our foreign creditors calls our notes due!

    I believe “Earned Income Credit, Child Tax Credit and the other tax credit people get without paying anything in” all were created under democratic leadership! If research would be done since the Earned Income Credit started until now we would find how we got into such incredible debt. Any person, company or government that pays out more money than it takes in will evenually go bankrupt. Earned Income Credit and the others gives people more money back as a tax refund than they paid in. That doesn’t even make sense. Once again, if I did that with my personal budget I’d be broke and bankrupt, but not the US Government. It just prints more money and borrows more from foreign governments!

    Thanks for reading my complaints and once again a big THANK YOU for your NO vote on the health care atrosity that has just been signed into law!

  5. Steve says:

    The government defies the will of the people.
    So what do we do now?

  6. JC says:

    Do us all a favor Johnny boy. If you’re so ashamed of the House, resign. I dare you.

  7. Elisabeth says:

    Thanks for fighting for us, Mr. Culberson. Please know that I pray regularly for you and your colleagues.

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