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Bill Moyers
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  1. As a young Latina poet growing up in the Bronx, Haydil Henriquez was inspired by other poets of color, like Nikki Giovanni, Audre Lorde, Willie Perdomo and Martín Espada. In this web video, Haydil talks about how poetry shapes her life, and reads from her poem, Bronx.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Bill MoyersSee All
    • I appreciate Bill Moyers work greatly. Frank Reese
      6 hours ago
    • Pat Holmes
      Mr. Moyer, check out AlterNet -- it has your article for today but in the middle is a FEMA video that is absolutely scary and so far from your mindset that I do not believe you want to be associated with them.
      12 hours ago
    • ALERT.....First tar sands project on U.S. soil given the green light by the state of Utah.....Help Spread the Word....Share State gives final OK to Book Cliffs oil sands mine - A controversial oil sands mining operation program A controversial oil sands mining operation proposed for the Book Cliffs northeast of Moab has cleared its final state regulation hurdle, allowing it to become the nation’s first such project. The Utah Division of Oil, Gas
      16 hours ago
    • Arnold Knuth
      Bill. Is your show on TV any More. ? Or. Just. The Internet. ?
      2 · Thursday at 9:25pm
  3. Poet Martín Espada reads a poem he wrote dedicated to his friend Howard Zinn, who he calls “the most decent, most generous human being I have ever known.” Watch the video and share your thoughts about Howard Zinn.
  4. In a web-only video essay, Bill explains how current filibuster rules are holding our democracy hostage, and how you can make a difference. If you want to see the Senate reform the filibuster, please share this post!
  5. This week on Moyers & Company, the combativeness of politics gives way to the clarity of poetry, as poet Martín Espada joins Bill to examine life through verse.
    Photo: This week on Moyers & Company, the combativeness of politics gives way to the clarity of poetry, as poet Martín Espada joins Bill to examine life through verse.
  6. Are you a fan of The Story of Stuff Project? It's a series of videos that explain complicated environmental and political concepts in an irresistibly simple and engaging way. Watch the latest video and read an interview with Annie Leonard.
  7. Coming up on this weekend's Moyers & Company Larry Cohen, president of the 700,000-member Communications Workers of America, joins Bill to make the case for common-sense reform that would bring the Senate back to serving democracy.
  8. Bill's recent essay in Democracy: A Journal of Ideas calls on "patriotic philanthropists" to help fund the groups that fight for political reform:

    "When some people think about philanthropy, they think of building libraries and wings of ho...spitals, of endowing university chairs and curing diseases, of providing comfort to the afflicted, and preserving pristine lands. All noble goals. But beneath them lies a larger structural problem with the way our country functions, or doesn’t function. Helping solve that problem offers philanthropists a shot at a different kind of legacy—one that would make Jefferson and Lincoln proud."See More
  9. Give me your tired, your poor… and your ammo? That seems to be Lady Liberty’s motto in our latest cartoon, but what do these tourists — and you — have to say about it? Let us know with a clever caption below or on the website page. We’ll choose one to add to the official winners gallery.
  10. In 1963, women earned 59 percent of the wages men earned. Today, the gender gap persists: women earn about $0.77 for every dollar paid to men. We've been stuck at that number for over a decade.

    On average, that adds up to women making $431,000 less than men over a 40-year career.
  11. "[Climate change] has to stop being a partisan issue. The climate -- the earth's climate does not care whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. It doesn't care whether you're liberal or conservative. Sandy did not only destroy the homes of Democrats and not Republicans." - Anthony Leiserowitz, Yale Project on Climate Change Communication
  12. In our staff meeting this morning, Bill gave a heartfelt tribute to Aaron Swartz, the activist and Internet prodigy who took his own life on Friday. Learn more about Swartz's legacy of political activism in today's Billboard.
  13. Before the holidays, Bill asked you what book you’d recommend President Obama read as he embarks on his second term. We got hundreds of comments!

    View a slideshow of 25 recommended books published during Obama's first term (that he may not have had time to read.)
  14. "What We're Reading" is a daily collection of articles, blog posts, smart charts and other news that we're reading here at 'Moyers & Company' HQ. This week's round-ups include reports on drone warfare, austerity and the NRA. Share your favorite articles of the week below.
  15. "We cannot allow ourselves to be blackmailed into spending cuts, partly because blackmail should not be part of how the U.S. operates, and partly because spending cuts would be disastrous right now. So Obama's right to say he doesn't negotiate." - Paul Krugman
  16. As we head toward what will likely be another rancorous debt ceiling debate, the writers at The Guardian blog released some new charts this week showing the history of its rise and fall over the years. What might surprise you is the party that's raised it more often - and the president who raised it the most.
  17. Barack Obama praised the recent Fiscal Cliff deal remarking that the "millionaires and billionaires" will finally "pay their fair share," but the truth is that the wealthiest among us may be the only ones who managed to avoid a tax increase this year.
  18. How many former lawyers, farmers, doctors, social workers and carpenters are now serving in Congress and how do their numbers compare with the 112th Congress? Find out in this weekend's smart chart from Bloomberg Businessweek.
  19. Sneak peeks: Bill’s conversation with Paul Krugman yielded insights, cautions, and honest takes on Jack Lew, President Obama’s choice for Treasury Secretary. We clipped three of those specific moments here — including one web-exclusive that will not be shown on air. Do you think Krugman lets Lew off too easy?
  20. Poet Richard Blanco will be the first Latino and first gay poet to read at a presidential inauguration. At 44, he’s also the youngest. Hear him read two of his poems: "Betting on America" and "Looking for The Gulf Motel."
  21. Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is in the studio today with Bill to tape this weekend’s episode of Moyers & Company. Krugman explains how our current obsession with slashing the deficit is getting in the way of real work that needs to be done to preserve both our economy and our democracy. — with Paul Krugman at New York.
  22. If an asteroid were headed for Earth, we'd all band together and figure out how to stop it, just like in the movies, right?

    In this TEDTalk, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt talks about how common threats, such as income inequality and climate change, might create common (political) ground.
  23. CEOs, small business owners and activists have all had a chance to meet with the president. Why haven't low-income Americans been afforded the same opportunity? Isn't it time for a White House meeting for them?
  24. It’s a sick world indeed, but how do we get it back to health? Play doctor and suggest a prognosis, diagnosis, prescription in the form of a clever caption, and you may end up in our winners gallery.
  25. From Portland to Philadelphia, city mayors are addressing climate change on their own turfs. Check out our slideshow of 12 American cities with innovative sustainability initiatives.
  26. It started as a fringe idea — for some, it was a joke — but it’s gaining traction: the trillion dollar coin, a possible trump card in the debt ceiling negotiations. Do you think it's a good idea, and whose face would you put on it?
  27. Activist Bill McKibben writes why climate change won't wait for the president, and why time isn't on our side in this fight. "The president must be pressed to do all he can — and more. ... If he won’t take on the fossil fuel industry, we will."
  28. We're putting together a list of our favorite blogs and online publications covering climate change: Yale Environment 360, Grist, OnEarth Magazine, NYT's Dot Green, Mother Jones Blue Marble blog and TreeHugger - to name just a few. What are your favorites sources for news about the environment and climate change?
  29. Most shared video on right now: Bill talks with author Junot Díaz about the story of America. "I think the plot is that there is an enormous gap between the way the country presents itself and imagines itself and projects itself - and the reality of this country," he says.
  30. Nobel laureate and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman will occupy the chair across from Bill next week, and Bill invites you to submit your own questions for him to consider. While you're waiting, read an excerpt of Krugman's new book "End this Depression Now!"
  31. Why are we not talking about climate change? The communication challenge is as important as the scientific and political one. Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, explains how to make people care about the greatest single threat facing humanity. Pls share with anyone with a stake in the future of our planet.
  32. Are Sundays better suited for watching playoffs or poetry? If the former, Go (Your Team Here)! If the latter, dive into Bill's front line of poets: Robert Bly, Rita Dove, Martín Espada, Nikki Giovanni, Galway Kinnell, Stanley Kunitz, W. S. Merwin, Adrienne Rich & more. Challenges your head without concussions.
  33. "...We can’t forget. We mustn’t relent. We have to keep talking about this, because Wayne LaPierre and the NRA are insidious and powerful predators... There are always members of Congress willing to do the gun lobby’s bidding as they profes...s their love of the second amendment and wait like hungry house pets for the next NRA campaign donation..."

    WATCH and SHARE this week's full Bill Moyers broadcast essay on the gun lobby's firepower.
    See More
  34. One Question. Many Smart Ideas. That's what 'Group Think' is all about, and get ready to see much more of it in 2013. You're in the Group too -- let us know questions you'd like to see covered and by whom.
  35. Four out of five Americans say the effects of global warming are already evident, but are we in for more words without action from our leaders? This new Climate Change spotlight page explores enormous challenges, hard truths and innovative solutions to the greatest single threat facing humanity.
  36. Is your city among the twelve we profiled leading the way in local sustainability? If not -- and you're 'green' with envy -- tell us why it should, or why your hometown's going in the wrong direction entirely. We're all ears.
  37. What do Archie Bunker and guns have in common? More than you think. In the latest 'On Democracy', Moyers and Winship scratch their heads at the NRA's concept that the cure for gun violence is somehow more guns and bigger profits.
  38. Forget about reusable water bottles and canvas shopping bags, says Annie Leonard, director of "The Story of Stuff". In an exclusive Q&A, she says it's citizens -- not shoppers -- who can ultimately move the needle on climate change. Do you agree?
  39. If you're looking for a simple way to explain to skeptics why even single-degree temperature climate change matters, look no further than this smart analogy from Anthony Leiserowitz -- and please share, share, share.
  40. Please enjoy and share this mind-opening ‘Moyers Moment’ between Bill Moyers and the Dalai Lama from 1991. In it, the Dalai Lama talks about our responsibility to this planet, and his concept of “spiritual democracy.” Many more such Moments at
  41. Want to know more about the 11th hour deal Congress and the White House reached earlier this week? Here’s a roundup of articles explaining what’s in the deal and differing viewpoints on the consequences.
  42. Why climate change gets the silent treatment. Next on Moyers & Company Scientist Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, joins Bill to describe his efforts to do what even Hurricane Sandy couldn't -- galvanize communities over what’s arguably the greatest single threat facing humanity. Watch a preview:
  43. Join us for a live chat with Pulitzer Prize winning author Junot Díaz on Thursday at 1 PM ET. Find out what the author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao has to say about the evolution of the great American story, what he's reading and what he's writing tomorrow afternoon at Write your questions in the comments.
    Live Chat with Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Junot Díaz
    January 3 at 1:00pm in EST
    32 people went

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