Seniors & Social Security

Congressman McGovern is a passionate advocate for seniors. He opposed President Bush’s plan to gamble Social Security in the stock market, and he led the fight to protect Medicare funding for home health care services so seniors can stay in their homes. He also voted to close the “donut hole” in the Medicare prescription drug benefit.

Going forward, the congressman is committed to ensuring that both Social Security and Medicare remain solvent and responsive to the needs of seniors.

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  • U.S. Rep. McGovern: GOP bill would create a government with no conscience

    This bill before us would create a government where there is no conscience; where the wealthy and well connected are protected and enriched – and the middle class, the poor, and the vulnerable are essentially forgotten.

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  • U.S. Rep. McGovern: We can do better

    There is something fundamentally wrong when a billionaire hedge fund manager pays a lower tax rate than his secretary; when Big Oil can make tens of billions in profits every quarter but still get sweetheart deals from the taxpayer; and when we are slashing funding for roads and bridges but allowing tax breaks for corporate jet owners to continue.

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  • U.S. Rep. McGovern: "This process has become a joke; it's an insult to the American people."

        Mr. Speaker, this process has become a joke. It is a disgrace. It’s an insult to the...

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  • U.S. Rep. McGovern joins 79 Colleagues on Progressive Caucus Letter Demanding No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

    Eighty Member of Congress have now signed onto a letter spearheaded by Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) leaders to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi insisting that cuts Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid be off the table in any budget deal. Leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Asian Pacific American have also signed the letter and are encouraging their respective Caucus members to join them.

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  • 62 House Democrats Urge President Obama to Protect Social Security Revenues, Reject Another Payroll Tax Cut

    Today, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern joined Reps. Ted Deutch (FL-19), Lloyd Doggett (TX-25), and Mark Critz (PA-12) and fifty-eight of their Democratic colleagues on a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to reject another payroll tax cut and instead consider alternative proposals that do not jeopardize Social Security's time-tested independent revenue stream. The bipartisan tax compromise passed last winter set a dangerous precedent by reducing employee contributions to Social Security and replenishing the Trust Fund with deficit spending from the general fund. Social Security was established with a dedicated revenue source to prohibit it from contributing to the budget deficit and to protect the retirement security of America's workers from politically motivated budgetary attacks.

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