Health Care Reform

President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010.

To see how the Act is working for western Wisconsin, two years after the bill was signed, click here. Take health care into your own hands  Learn More makes it easy for consumers and small businesses to compare health insurance plans in both the public and private sector and find other important health care information.








Passage of health care reform:

  • Puts American families and small business owners—not the insurance companies— in control of their own health care.
  • Create a Health Insurance Exchange, a marketplace for individuals and small employers to buy affordable insurance.
  • Ensure that insurance companies cannot deny applicants based on health status or pre-existing conditions or drop people when they get sick or injured.
  • Assist small employers with tax credits and individuals with affordability credits.
  • Improve Medicare benefits with lower prescription drug costs for those in the ‘donut hole,’ provide better chronic care, free preventive care, and help secure the future of Medicare.
  • Cut the deficit by $143 billion in the first 10 years and by $1.2 trillon by 2030.

 I encourage you to explore the below links to learn how health care reform directly affects you.

I am a Small Business Owner

I am a Family Farmer

I am a Senior I am a Young Adult

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To see the full text of the bill, click here.

To see the Reconciliation bill, improvements and changes to the bill, click here.

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Below are additional links you may find helpful.

Summary of the bill

Full CBO Score

Health Reform Q&A;

Immediate benefits

Timeline for Implementation

Insurance market reforms that protect consumers

How the bill is impacting Wisconsin. 


Small Business Resources

 Smal l Business Guide

*Tax Credit Calculator

The Health Insurance Exchange

Employer Responsibility Flowchart

Employ ers and Health Reform


Containing Costs

T he Cost of Inaction

Cost Containment Measures

Delivery System Reform

Making coverage affordable


Seniors Resources

Guide for Seniors

Strengthening Medicare

Improving Medicare Pard D Drug Program

AARP Bulletin "A User's Guide to Health Care Reform"


Additional Resources

What the law means for Women

Families on the Individual Insurance Market

How the bill helps rural America

No Federal Funding for Abortion Services

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Below is the speech I gave on the floor of the House of Represenatives during the debate on health care reform.