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    U.S. defense chief in Afghanistan ahead of drawdown decision

    KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta met top commanders in Kabul on Wednesday to finalize options for President Barack Obama on how many troops to keep in Afghanistan after the NATO mission ends in 2014 and the war is declared over.

    Panetta has not disclosed how large a force he believes will be needed, but one U.S. official has told Reuters that figures as low as 6,000 U.S. troops were under consideration. President Barack Obama could make a decision in the coming weeks.

    General John Allen, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, said before closed door talks that he looked forward to a candid conversation with Panetta. The defense secretary told Allen and other commanders he was trying to "tee up" options for Obama.

    "The size of that enduring presence is something that the president is going to be considering over these next few weeks," Panetta told troops in Kuwait earlier in the day before boarding his flight to Kabul.

    Panetta, on his fifth trip to Afghanistan as defense secretary, was scheduled to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

    Fresh from a re-election victory, Obama has made clear his intention to end the 11-year-old war and bring the vast majority U.S. forces home by the end of 2014.

    But his decision is complicated by a still-resilient Taliban and intelligence showing its al Qaeda allies aim to return in larger numbers to Afghanistan. Worries about the capabilities of Afghan security forces have also raised questions about whether they can operate on their own if too many U.S. troops withdraw.


    U.S. Major General Lawrence Nicholson, who runs day to day operations for the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan, acknowledged that Afghan security forces had their share of imperfections but played down concerns about the end-2014 deadline.

    A former commander in Iraq, Nicholson praised Afghan forces, who he said were better fighters than the Iraqis.

    "What's it going to look like on 1 January, 2015? It will be imperfect. It will be flawed. It will have warts," he said, briefing reporters traveling with Panetta. "But it's going to work."

    One factor that might cause the U.S. military to keep more troops in Afghanistan would be the need to supply a big stock of "enablers" for the Afghan forces.

    But Nicholson said his goal was to make the Afghan forces self-sufficient, with the exception perhaps of assisting them with close air support.

    "Any enablers that we have in the country after 1 January '15 are to be here in support of coalition forces. They'll be here for us," Nicholson said. "We've got 24 months to get this right and we're well on the road."

    There are 68,000 U.S. troops in the country, a figure expected to gradually decline over the next two years at a pace that will be decided after the size of the post-2014 mission has been set.

    A report released by the Pentagon this week noted a slight rise in Taliban attacks between April and September this year, compared with 2011. But Nicholson said that the number of attacks against the NATO-led force fell 20 percent from October to December.

    "I'm not one of those guys who are going to sit here and tell you that the Taliban is defeated, or that they're gone, or going way," Nicholson said. "But it was a tough year for the Taliban."

    Panetta noted that the number of so-called insider attacks against U.S. forces by Afghan security forces had declined, from a high of about 12 in August to two in November.

    Those attacks, some of which were claimed by the Taliban, were deeply demoralizing and led Allen to revise security protocols and bolster sensitivity training of NATO forces to avoid accidentally provoking their Afghan counterparts.

    "So the steps that were put in place to try to deal with that threat I believe have been effective in trying to lower the incidents of insider attacks," he told reporters at the start of this week's trip.

    (Editing by David Storey)



    • A Yahoo! User  •  2 days 8 hrs ago
      We airlifted berlin..217000 flights in out.. we can just get our 68000 troops out by christmas..close up shop.. this war is in bankruptcy court... creditors... drop dead.
      • Nativeam 2 days 3 hrs ago
        You sound like those anti-Vietnam war traitors. Did our dead soldiers give their lives for nothing? After we pullout, I wonder how many of the anti-war crowd will complain about the abuse of Afghan women and the increase in the number of terrorist bases. I am so happy to be able to say I used to be a liberal.
    • Jim C  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      Their soldiers are shooting our soldiers. They don't want help. Bring our troops home. They can handle the taliban. If not, next time we send REAL bombs... not people.
      • SIEZE THE DAY 2 days 4 hrs ago
        Come to the table and be real and correct this notorious #$%$
    • Dudley  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      How many left after 2014 ? How about ZERO ?
      • Jim Smith 2 days 5 hrs ago
        willypeet are him!
    • ArmyParatrooper72  •  2 days 8 hrs ago
      long past time to get out, that hell hole is what it is. enough money and lives wasted, leave, if they cause another 9/11 let them know to expect their land to be turned into a glass parking lot! enough said!
    • norton  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      Get em all out - leave Karzai to his devices.
    • A Yahoo! User  •  2 days 8 hrs ago
      Make the whole region a no go zone..unless your packing a nuke...Pakistan included... we replacement humanitarian aid..they kill those folks too.. bunch of barbarians...send them back to their favotive era... slaughter..chieftains... just this a little girl of 15 was beheaded 150 feet from home because she refused to marry the butchers brother who lived next door... this society is without redemption.
      • GNC 2 days 4 hrs ago
        And he had no problem having an illegal war on Libya. He is the enemy of the USA, little spider.
    • A Yahoo! User  •  2 days 8 hrs ago
      Get the hell out now.. take our troops and money with you... who needs stinking Afganistan ...let freakin Iran deal with these cretins.
      • TERRY K 2 days 4 hrs ago
        send micheal, let her eat all the food and let them starve.
    • Frank  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      why 2014? leave in 2013
      • Nahzuul 2 days 4 hrs ago
        Because to move that many men and equipment out of the country in a responsible way, you need a plan.
    • L. B. K.  •  2 days 4 hrs ago
      • bradley w 2 days 4 hrs ago
    • FrankM  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      Get out of the middle east, its a lost cause over there.
    • marshhawk  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      The future for the USA in that country is a black hole.
    • Edward  •  2 days 0 hrs ago
      In Japan almost 70 years after WW II we still have 55,000 Navy personnel deployed there. In Europe we have 21 military bases there ...WHY WW II is almost 70 years ended ...Could this be a savings for the taxpayer if about half of these bases were closed ? Besides cant these people ever be ready to defend themselves ?
    • noburg  •  2 days 8 hrs ago
      let the afgans vote and the number will be 0. Afgans hate all foreign invaders.
    • Star Carlton  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      how many troops to keep in Afghanistan after the NATO mission ends in 2014:

    • Lawrence  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      How many troop's to be left, NONE and the United States need'd to stop giving our tax money away. End all US envolment and then tell them to kiss our,
    • EBSmith  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      We should have no presence in Afghanistan! We are broke. We can not afford to keep our troops in a country full of people who hate us. Bring our troops home now! Stop wasting tax payer dollars and American lives on foreign countries, especially Muslim countries.
    • Dudley  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      This very important decision will surely bring a march in Washington. Enough is enough? The infrastructure in the North east is horrible ! How about your area of the crumbling U S ?
    • bradley w  •  2 days 4 hrs ago
      tomorrow would be soon enough
    • Big Oil is watching  •  1 day 22 hrs ago
      end the damn worthless war now.. the only difference between now and 2014 is more dead and more flushed cash... it will be the same pit it is now and was 5 years ago...
    • Norbert  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      Ummmm ... ZERO ... yup, ZERO sounds good to me - NO US citizen in harm's way in Afghanistan. Besides, with the saber-rattling now going on, we'll need everybody to fight in North Korea, Russia and Syria and ... and ... drat, who'd I leave out? Chad? Sierra Leone? Monaco? Upper Volta? Iceland? Oh, yeah, and the US of A (the NDAA - check it out, and the "war games" being conducted in US cities by the US military).

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