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    N. Korea Launches Long-Range Rocket

    United States officials confirm that North Korea appears to have carried out the successful launch of a long-range rocket.

    The move comes as a surprise to the international community, which has consistently called on North Korea to abandon its efforts.

    Less than 24 hours earlier, the North Koreans had indicated they were grappling with "technical uncertainties" that forced them to extend the launch window to Dec. 29.

    The secretive regime insists its efforts are part of a peaceful space program intended to place a satellite into orbit. But the U.S. and key Asian allies believe it is a thinly disguised attempt to test an intercontinental ballistic missile aimed at furthering development of the technology needed to mount a nuclear warhead on a long-range rocket that could one day reach the U.S.

    National Security Council spokesman Tom Vietor called the launch a "highly provocative act that threatens regional security."

    In recent weeks even China, North Korean's only remaining ally, sent a high level delegation into Pyongyang to convey a message of constraint. Today, China expressed "regret" over the incident. In the past, China has supported North Korea's right to develop its space program.

    "The action is yet another example of North Korea's pattern of irresponsible behavior," read the National Security Council statement. "The United States remains vigilant in the face of North Korean provocations and is fully committed to the security of allies in the region."

    North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) acknowledged the launch initiated at 9:49 a.m. local time and followed its intended trajectory, traveling south between Korea and Japan.

    "At no time was the missile or the resultant debris a threat to North America," said NORAD.

    Japan's emergency alert system – M-NET – recorded the rocket's flight path directly over Okinawa just after 10:00 a.m. Officials say they have located three points of debris: One in South Korea's Yellow Sea, a second location further down the country's west coast and the third point 180 miles north of the Philippines.

    A South Korean military official confirmed that one of their three warships, equipped with the Aegis radar system, detected the launch. The first stage fell just below Byeonsanbando, southwest of the Korean peninsula, exactly where it was supposed to, according to the official.

    Increased attention focused on North Korea in recent weeks as satellite images showed action at the Tongchang-ri launch site. But on Monday, a statement from the Korean Committee of Space Technology claimed that scientists and technicians "found a technical deficiency in the first-stage control engine module of the rocket carrying the satellite." Satellite images also revealed that a new third-stage booster was delivered to the launch pad on Saturday.

    A key issue is how far the rocket traveled and whether it was able to successfully separate its second and third stage rockets. If so, the capacity to travel long distances would be greatly enhanced.

    The type of rocket is believed to be the Taepodong 2 missile. The North Koreans refer to it as the Unha-3, which in Korean translates as "Galaxy-3." The same type of missile has been previously tested three times in 2006, 2009 and 2012. Each time, the rocket failed soon after launch. It is believed to have the capacity to travel a minimum of 3,400 miles. That puts it well within striking range of the western U.S.

    The U.S. had mobilized four warships in the Asia-Pacific region to monitor the launch. The guided missile destroyers the USS John S. McCain, the USS Benfold and the USS Fitzgerald joined the guided missile cruiser the USS Shiloh to "reassure allies in the region" according to officials.

    South Korea's president Lee Myung-bak called an emergency security meeting in response. The timing is particularly sensitive for this country which is still officially at war with North Korea.

    In just one week, South Korea holds key elections and will choose a new president. North Korea's successful launch could potentially sway voters favoring either a harsher line or a return to the "Sunshine Policy" of past administrations.

    Current ruling party candidate Park Geun-hye has indicated a willingness to hold talks with North Korea.

    Her father, Park Chung-hee, served as the South Korean president for 16 years. He was the target of multiple assassination attempts by North Korea. One of those efforts killed his wife, Chung-hee's mother.

    Park took over her mother's duties as first lady until her father was assassinated by the chief of security in 1979. She re-emerged in 1997 as an active politician and is the first female candidate to be seriously considered for president.

    Her party, the Saenuridang, is a traditionally conservative group that adapts a somewhat stricter policy towards North Korea that her opponent, Moon Jae-in. As head of the Democratic United Party, he champions a more lenient approach to the South's belligerent neighbor.

    In repeated breaking news announcements throughout the day North Korean state-run television celebrated the launch. "We are proud of the glorious success of our satellite technology," said the presenter. "This is a landmark achievement."

    Dec. 17 marks the one year anniversary of the country's Dear Leader Kim Jong-il's death. Analysts believe his son and successor, Kim Jong-Un, is under pressure to show the world he is intent on continuing his father's "Military First" policy and demonstrate a show of strength.

    While experts do not believe North Korea currently has the technology to mount a nuclear warhead, today's launch is a significant development for the closed country's new leader.

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    • Steve-O in AZ  •  2 hrs 29 mins ago
      Now, North Korea. Your next major feat should be feeding your people...
      • Richard 20 mins ago
        Yes we are..... ;)
    • JB  •  1 hr 23 mins ago
      "China expressed 'regret' over the incident." Sure they did.
      • Kathy 1 min 3 secs ago
        I think some of you are mixing up North Korea (Communists)with other Asian countries. They aren't all commies.
    • Matthew  •  45 mins ago
      Great! You finally launched a can you please feed your people?
      • mundyman1961 21 mins ago
        And the KIM said, " let them eat cake". Hunger is a tool to keep the people to weak to revolt, and thier minds on getting thier next bowl of rice. so that they do not have insurrection on thier minds. They could feed thier own if they would not invest in foolishness.
    • Jeffrey  •  2 hrs 47 mins ago
      Don't do it!!. We warn you!!! We really, really mean it this time. We double warn you!!!!!...........Damn it - they did it. (repeat cycle)
      • Douglas A 4 mins 37 secs ago
        You lost the election, now go take a nap. You are boring people with this same old lame assed rhetoric. If you cannot come up with anything new, save this space for someone who can.
    • David S  •  1 hr 3 mins ago
      Here is a thought - STOP SENDING THEM FREE FOOD - make them buy food from China then they wont be able to afford to build rockets ... and maybe get lead posioning ....
      • Nice Guy 7 mins ago
        We could just stop buying China made products and I will bet they will just take over N Korea..Except OOOOboma and Reid have spent so much of our money China actually owns all of out debt so how can we deal with them.. What a bunch of dumb #$%$ voters...
    • AmerikanResistance  •  1 hr 43 mins ago
      Speak softly and carry a big stick.....Dont say word,just smile and watch.....meanwhile we develope our anti-missile tech like lasers and missiles.....we protect our territories and people and let PingPong go about their business.....all our crabbing and moaning means nothing to North Diaharrea and China ......We watch,we work on our protection and IF they attack we shoot it down and then show them what REAL missiles do,and what REAL nuclear warheads look like when they reach their targets.....All the talk is for nothing,remember....speak softly and carry a BIG stick
      • Chuck 10 mins ago
        Randall Bush got us into the war in Iraq. What other war did he start? kinda funny how Obamas plan to withdrawl troops from Iraq waas the samt plan Bush Had except he sent them to afganistan and not home.
    • Supersam  •  2 hrs 4 mins ago
      What a waste,the boy could have bought million bowls of rice soup for his starving people with the money spent for the rocket.
      • Mark 8 mins ago
        Carl: that's the (supposed) intent of the program. Not of this particular rocket. This was a just a test shot to see if they had enough duct tape to hold it together long enough.
    • GHOST  •  1 hr 22 mins ago
      sit back in the next 12 months and watch North Korea do something real dumb
      • Dan 59 mins ago
        No but we can annihilate them once and for all..and then those left can finally be free and can begin again as one Korea..
    • Bd  •  1 hr 26 mins ago
      They have ROCKETS NOW............ BUT NO PANDA EXPRESS, GO FIGURE!!!!!
      • Norm Peterson 1 hr 14 mins ago
        @ Bd: Thanks for the chuckle.
    • ARMY GUY  •  1 hr 8 mins ago
      Why wouldn't they launch it?? Thjey know there will be zero reprecutions!!
      • JoeMawma 33 mins ago
        Especially since there's no such thing as 'reprecutions'
    • Kurtis  •  46 mins ago
      Mean while ...the people starve......
    • john  •  1 hr 42 mins ago
      Now maybe they can figure how to feed their people.
    • OOPS TRY AGAIN cause yaho ...  •  45 mins ago
      Take your bans and shove them up your a,s,s UN! Apparently the people that matter are not all that impoverished if they can afford $100M missiles/satellites. Cut off all aid (including so-called humanitary) and let them all starve to death once they run out of tree bark to eat. They are basically doing the equivelent of selling their food stamps to buy drugs.
    • xyz  •  2 hrs 44 mins ago
      While experts do not believe North Korea currently has the technology to mount a nuclear warhead..... BOOM
    • The Mindful Lunatic  •  44 mins ago
      If that "secretive regime" has the money to pay for long range rockets and satellites, why are we sending them OUR food and supplies? Why is it America's problem to feed the world as they bolster to kill us. How about we keep the food here and feed our own who are hungry and not plotting to kill as many as possible? Is that unreasonable?
    • yooper  •  1 hr 57 mins ago
      And the US told us that their missle program was junk. If they can put something in orbit, they can put it anywhere in the world.
    • Rusty  •  46 mins ago
      They have a long range missle but they don't have running water for most of the country.

      Good job you bunch of chuckleheads.
    • ImanYercrotch  •  1 hr 9 mins ago
      Of course they launched it. With Chavez in for surgery he is out of the spotlight so either Armydidhismom in Iran or FatBoyKim has to take his place. International diplomacy is like the Jerry Springer show.
    • M  •  1 hr 17 mins ago
      Korean missles immediatly turn into submarines.
    • A. J. W.  •  1 hr 20 mins ago
      N. Korea is getting just what they hoped with this and all the crazy stuff they do, attention. They love it when their country is in the media headlines and the media plays right into it feeding the world with this country's egocentric mentality.

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