
UN: Women have ‘long way to go’ in Afghanistan

The day after a provincial head of women’s affairs was gunned down in eastern Afghanistan, the United Nations issued a report saying there is still much work to be done to combat violence against women in Afghanistan.

11:49 December 11, 2012

Obama: US recognizes Syria's main rebel group

President Barack Obama declared Syria's main opposition group the sole "legitimate representative" of its country's people Tuesday, deeming the move "a big step" in the international diplomatic efforts to end Syrian President Bashar Assad's embattled regime.

1 minute ago

Fleet lifting some drinking restrictions on sailors in Japan

The U.S. Navy in Japan says it will ease one of its new behavioral restrictions, allowing sailors to once again drink alcohol at home after 10 p.m. All servicemembers in Japan still have to adhere to a curfew imposed after an Okinawa woman was allegedly gang-raped by two sailors in October.

18:22 December 11, 2012

Troops in Korea detained, suspected of dealing synthetic marijuana

Four Camp Casey soldiers are in custody on suspicion of selling the designer drug Spice to other servicemembers and South Korean citizens, according to Korean police.


‘Zero Dark Thirty’ hero's real life more complicated than film version

She was a real-life heroine of the CIA hunt for Osama bin Laden, a headstrong young operative whose work tracking the al-Qaeda leader serves as the dramatic core of a Hollywood film set to premiere next week. Her CIA career has followed a more problematic script, however, since bin Laden was killed.


Taliban popular where US fought biggest battle

Nearly three years after U.S.-led forces launched the biggest operation of the war to clear insurgents, foster economic growth and set a model for the rest of Afghanistan, angry residents of Helmand province say they are too afraid to go out after dark because of marauding bands of thieves.

14:57 December 11, 2012








Ernie Gates, Stars and Stripes' ombudsman


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