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Congressional Arts Competition

The Congressional Arts Competition – An Artistic Discovery is an annual high school art competition.  The goal of the program is to encourage and recognize the rich artistic talents of young Americans, and display their work in Washington, D.C.

  Congressman Schiff congratulates Yuan Huang, of Gabrielino High School, 1st place winner of the 2012 Congressional Arts Competition.  Yuan's artwork will be on display in the U.S. Capitol for one year.

Each year Congressman Schiff invites each high school in the 28th Congressional District to submit three entries representing their school.  A blue-ribbon selection committee will then review all the entries from the 29th Congressional District to determine first, second and third place winners.

For more information about contest rules and regulations, contact Teresa Lamb Simpson at (626) 304-2727.
The 2012 Exhibit and Awards Ceremony took place at the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens on April 15, 2012.  Stay tuned for information about next year's Congressional Arts Competition.
You can view all of the artwork from the 2012 Congressional Arts Competition here.