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Temple City


Photo, Temple City

Named for Walter P. Temple, the City of Temple City began when Temple purchased 400 acres of land four miles east of San Gabriel which had been part of Lucky Baldwin's vast Rancho Santa Anita.

Envisioning a community where people of medium income could afford to live and own their homes, Temple divided the area into lots and laid out the park facing Las Tunas Drive. He named other streets after those close and dear to the family, such as Workman, Kauffman, Temple and Agnes. Bond issues initiated by Temple were responsible for street paving and electrification.

In 1936, the town officially was designated Temple City, but remained a City in name only until after the post-World War II population explosion and incorporation of the community on May 25, 1960.  More information about the history of Temple City can be obtained through the Temple City Historical Society.

According to the 2000 census, Temple City currently boasts a population of 33,377.  Business growth and development opportunities are available through the Temple City Chamber of Commerce.