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South Pasadena

 Photo, Soutn Pasadena
South Pasadena encompasses 3.44 square miles, with a population of approximately 25,000. Centrally located in the West San Gabriel Valley, South Pasadena is known for its tree-lined streets, historic California Craftsman-style homes, unique small businesses and outstanding public schools.

South Pasadena
's streets are lined with numerous species of native California trees and oaks, and is a popular site for location filming. Few cities in the nation are better recognized for determination to preserve its neighborhoods and a small-town atmosphere.

The Arroyo Seco South Pasadena Woodland and Wildlife Park, developed with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, will provide more opportunities for area residents to preserve and enjoy the unique environment in the city.

A full-service city, South Pasadena maintains its own Police and Fire departments, an active Parks and Recreation program and an award-winning Public Library, all of these things combine to maintain the small town atmosphere in South Pasadena.