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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) joined by his House colleagues from New York and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, called on the Senate to pass the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act before breaking for the holidays.  By doing so, the House can act on Senate changes and send the bill to President Obama for his signature before the holidays. 

Rep. Engel is a long-time supporter of the legislation and an original co-sponsor.  He is the senior New York Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and shepherded the bill through the Health Subcommittee and the full Committee before the final vote in the House this past September.  This measure will provide needed help to the many thousands exposed to toxins at Ground Zero including 16,000 first responders, and at least 2,700 community residents who are sick and receiving treatment as a result of their work at Ground Zero.

At a press conference at City Hall today, Rep. Engel joined with Mayor Bloomberg, Democratic and Republican members of the New York delegation, and first responders, in urging the Senate to finally pass this bill.

“It is shameful that we are approaching the 10-year anniversary of 9-11 next year and this bill still has not reached the president.  Anyone who cast a vote against 9-11 heroes sullied the memory of those who died and insulted those who are suffering on a daily basis.

“I have been outraged that the Senate has failed to pass this bill, with Senate Republicans voting to filibuster to defeat the legislation.  They couldn’t be more enthusiastic in extending massive tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires, but they have been complaining about how we pay for this bill.  Tax cuts passed last week for the ultra-wealthy simply added to the debt.  The health of our 9-11 heroes should not be used as a political weapon.  They have abandoned the heroes of 9/11 because of financial reasons – saying everyone has to pay their way except for the wealthiest Americans.

“People from all over the country joined to help after the attack without concern for their health or wellbeing. Now their country is turning its back on them in their time of need.  Victims of 9-11 continue to suffer from crippling physical ailments.  They are dying and have been ignored for almost a decade.  The House noticed, and Senate Democrats have noticed.  I am hopeful that at long last, Senate Republicans might finally notice.”

This legislation would provide medical monitoring and treatment to victims exposed at Ground Zero.  It provides for research into their 9/11 triggered health conditions.  It will also re-open the 9-11 Victim Compensation Fund for economic losses and harm, instead of the current litigation system.   The legislation would also cover medical monitoring for those community residents who lived, worked, or were present within a 1.5 mile radius of the World Trade Center that day.
