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Washington, D.C.--Members of Congress Eliot Engel and Shelley Berkley of Nevada called for conditions to be placed on any funding the United States provides to the Gaza Strip that could be included in a supplemental spending package now being assembled.

In a letter sent to the House Appropriations Committee, the pair requested that restrictions be placed on $300 million in funding for Gaza now being discussed, making it contingent on Hamas renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist and fully honors previous agreements, including cease-fire arrangements. They are also demanding the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

“We are concerned that – in the aftermath of Hamas’ unprovoked attacks on Israel – sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza without conditions will send precisely the wrong message at the wrong time,” the letter states.

“It is, therefore, essential that we not simply write a “blank check” for the Gaza-based Palestinians to continue acting this way. We must instead send a message that the United States will help with the needs of the Palestinians if – and only if – they meet the conditions of the international community to recognize Israel, renounce terrorism, and commit to all agreements they have signed with Israel,” the letter states.

The following is the text of the Berkley-Engel letter:

April 28, 2009

The Honorable David R. Obey, Chairman
The Honorable Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member
Committee on Appropriations
H-218, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Obey and Ranking Member Lewis:

We write to you today regarding the President’s request for supplemental funding in fiscal year 2009. It has come to our attention that within President Obama’s request is $900 million in funding for the West Bank and Gaza. We are concerned that – in the aftermath of Hamas’ unprovoked attacks on Israel – sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza without conditions will send precisely the wrong message at the wrong time.

In late 2008, Hamas intensified its missile attacks on Israel, using Gaza as a launching pad to terrorize the population of Sderot and other communities in southern Israel. Even after Israel withdrew completely from Gaza in 2005, the unprovoked assault by unguided rockets of terror continued. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) finally retaliated against these attacks, after showing incredible restraint for many years, destroying a great deal of Hamas’ infrastructure within Gaza. While the IDF attempted to minimize civilian casualties, there was damage to many areas in Gaza. The blame for this, however, rests firmly on Hamas’ shoulders, as they began the unprovoked shelling on Israeli cities and were warned repeatedly that the continued shelling would bring a strong response from Israel. Further, Hamas conducted its combat operations from heavily-populated civilian areas and, thus, was responsible for the protection of the civilians in the area. Indeed, this use of unarmed men, women, and children as human shields was shocking and disgraceful.

It is, therefore, essential that we not simply write a “blank check” for the Gaza-based Palestinians to continue acting this way. We must instead send a message that the United States will help with the needs of the Palestinians if – and only if – they meet the conditions of the international community to recognize Israel, renounce terrorism, and commit to all agreements they have signed with Israel. Not only has Hamas failed to meet any of these conditions, it has not stopped raining rockets on Israeli territory and still holds captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. It is essential that we condition our funding for Gaza on Hamas’ complying with these basic demands. Without such links, Palestinians will see the U.S. as providing aid while Hamas continues to terrorize the Israeli people, with no consequences from the U.S. government.

We urge you to condition our funding on reciprocal actions from Hamas. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. We look forward to your response.

Shelley Berkley
Member of Congress

Eliot Engel
Member of Congress
